Do you differentiate?
I don’t feel bored when I have nothing to do.
I just lose interest in everything. Start something and stop and end up doing nothing.
Just a cycle.
Do you differentiate?
I don’t feel bored when I have nothing to do.
I just lose interest in everything. Start something and stop and end up doing nothing.
Just a cycle.
I don’t lose interest in things. I just can’t get moving when I get bogged down by negs.
I tend to do this as well. Like my miniature painting. I did it for a few months and got bored with it. The only things I can recommend is being on the minimum dose of medications that controls your symptoms and continually trying new things to hope that something “sticks”. It took me ages to be able to watch movies/shows again all the way through, but I got there. Guitar is also holding my interest so far. Granted it’s only been 3 days and it can be a bit frustrating, but I can’t seem to leave the guitar alone even when I say that I’m taking a break.
That’s a good start. Hope you can learn to play your first song.
Yeah i start and stop things a lot. Lots of the time i cant get started. Its that way whether im interested or not.
I get the avolition (wanting to do stuff but stuck)
Ive sat on the couch for the whole day trying to convince myself to start something and it would end in extreme frustration
It’s like my easy chair suddenly has the gravitational pull of a black hole.
Yeah as surprisedj said its like being covered in wax
I really miss him. And his sis.
Yeah i hope they are doing well
Arambhashura. Hero in the beginning. Lot of us struggle with it. Even normies.
So that’s what I’ve been dealing with? I have hard times starting fun things. Like gamin or reading. So I’ll just cruise the forum instead cause I just can’t with the other stuff. Luckily I have a strict weekly routine that gets me out of the house most days of the week. But during down time, it’s hard.
Same for me. I never was bored before sz as I could do and did lots of things.
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