Body cameras on inpatient wards—good/bad?

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I didn’t read the article because I never do!

Saying that. I have a close friend I’ve known for years who was a psych nurse. This technology is great and should be used. Lots of weird folk in mental health these days. Burn out from the speed drugs and tourists. It should be madatory!

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Everyone should have body cameras. I was thinking of getting one since I’ve seen so much crime.

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This is every controversial and a little creepy

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All the police seem to have them now in the U.k. on their shoulders. You see a lot of stuff where people have those dash cams and post videos.

I wouldn’t like having a camera as an inpatient. When I was in the mental health ward when I was 17, it was in a low secure unit, and they had cameras in all the rooms. It was pretty creepy.

Lots of nasty nurses and cnas too who need to know they’re being watched. I wish my cna while hospitalized had these. I’d get his mean ass fired.

Possibly a good idea. But some patients with psychosis are afraid of being watched so I wonder.

I have a dashcam in my car. Saved me once because I came to a complete stop at a four way and the person on my right didn’t, they just came through and hit me. They tried to claim that I hadn’t observed right-of-way, but they would only have had that if we had come to the stop sign at the same time and both come to a complete stop. The police saw my footage, charged him with failing to stop, and he was assigned 100% fault by the insurance companies. If I hadn’t had the footage, I would have been found 100% at fault.

If I was a nurse in a psych ward where I could be falsely accused of wrongdoing, I would certainly want proof to the contrary. Camera footage is invaluable in a legal dispute.

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The hospital where I stayed was high security.
They had cameras everywhere.
Probably not in the bathrooms of course.

Cameras cant hurt you while other patients can. I was bullied in hospital

If it was mandatory to have them on at all times, it could seriously cut down on instances of patient abuse. When I worked in a residential facility, we learned that over 80% of patients in residential facilities have been abused by staff. I even had to report another staff member for abuse. It was scary. This could help protect people.


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