I bet anyone a million dollars disney will make a spin off on one of them. I can’t wait. We need more boba in our lives. RIP Sarlac Pit
Shhhh… don’t give them ideas. I’m a star Wars purist. I wish they didn’t make spin offs. But Mickey Mouse is now in charge.
Hahaha. Yea Mickey is now the new Emperor of the galaxy. As long as they don’t do a jabba the hutt movie. That would be horrible.
I wish they made good movies, period. I can’t really say that I consider many of the saga movies particularly pure, just particularly branded.
@Rhubot is Ruth Bader Ginsburg your favorite supreme court justice or something? Maybe I should set mine to Clarence Thomas or Kennedy or something. We would just need 7 others.
I think you should publish a book about Fette’s Vett…
I do love her. She’s got such a sharp mind. We spent a lot of time reading her opinions this semester.
Godfather theme plays
Even though I’m pretty sure I disagree with some of her opinions she is a supreme court justice and should be respected.
I would like a Darth plageuis and Darth sideous spin off
Maybe show them the interior of the dark side???
She also looks like my cat, with her fierceness and tininess and judginess and black robes and snowy white jabot. It’s the real reason I use her icon
Yeah that would be awesome!
It’d be interesting seeing a young Sidious. He’s so old and such a dominant force in the movies.
I always thought doing backstrokes in the abyss and exploring the ruins of our world underground would be enticing. I think that a Fette movie and a movie called Sidious maybe.
Thats actually a really good idea
Here’s an awesome idea I just read on AV Club:
I was talking with some friends at a bar the other night about what anthology movie we would make if Lucasfilm gave us the keys, and we zeroed in on that line in ROTJ where C-3PO says it’s against his programming to impersonate a deity. We realized something must have gone horribly wrong at some point for them to include that in subsequent versions of the protocol droid operating system.
As a friend pointed out in Return of the Jedi. Boba fett could easily get out of that thing that ate him.