Bloomin’ wasps coming in the house to die

I tracked down two wasps earlier. A third I haven’t accounted for and am worried I will step on it. Man wasp stings to the feet suck


Stinging in the eyes can be dangerous. You don’t have the thing that filters bugs on windows and doors? I forgot how its called.


No we generally don’t have insect screens in the U.K. but I would love them though

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When I was in Germany there wasn’t either but you can install them, I saw them selling it in stores.

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Wait. Are you telling me that screens aren’t a standard feature on all windows in the UK? Like you just open the windows and let in mosquitoes and bees and stuff?

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Yep. That is exactly how it is

How do you not have boatloads of malaria, zika virus, and so on?

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I don’t think malaria or zika comes this far north

This is :exploding_head: right now. I literally had no idea and I cannot imagine living somewhere without something as basic and commonplace as a screen. Do you just have flies on your food all the time? Do you get stung a lot? Do you not have snakes crawling into the windows?

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Yeah we get flies but we don’t leave food out in the open. Not many snakes in britain

I am so overwhelmed right now. This would be like finding out you don’t have locks on your doors or that green means stop or something.

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Lol. I am sorry if I have shaken your world view leaving you in an existential crisis :joy:


I’m sure I will recover, in time. Just gotta take it slow. How do you keep mice out of your house?

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Yeah we get mice every now and then. But they mostly live between the walls


Did you learn nothing from the Plague?


I’m gobsmacked. As someone that grew up in the American Southeast with tons of flying bugs…not having screens is a weird idea.

And I got a cat originally just to deal with mice.

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Is it bad of me to find your shock funny!

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No…because I’m shocked and still find it funny. Poor @Ninjastar.

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Not at all. I must admit, I’m playing it up for comedic effect. But seriously, as someone with a severe insect sting allergy, it is horrifying to imagine them just flying around.

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I seriously want to order him some screens now.