Blogging query

Just coming here as first port of call.

I’m interested in beginning a blog, as a writing practice… something anyway

Do you read any? Do you get it? Do you blog, do you find it rewarding?

General stuff

I’ve only read a few and will need to do some research

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I’m following a blog called “Scary mommy”…that is of the ones on English… she basically writes about kids and mum’s stuff but in a very casual and humorous way, oftenly depicting some stereotypes about parenting.
She is also very positive. So, humor, positiveness, critical and sharp writing, that works for me.

If you start your own blog, I want to follow it!

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Cooooolio! A follower without any persuasions to what to write about, what to advertise anything !
Thanks Sarad!

I think it would be a blog about writing for theatre and having schiz.

I don’t really have other interests at the minute, not even fitness… did write a helluva boring blog about running for a bit with about 5 followers

I have a website:

i could instead of the Director’s Blog page, which hasn’t even started, temporarily put up a ‘Writer’s Blog’

Finding it all a bit anal though - as it’s a small company consisting of me and some stuff I’ve written, with some actors who are on board and some community actors, (currently not on the site…)

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I have a poetry blog but it’s in portuguese so I won’t share it here.

@odiledecaray has a blog about schizoaffective but I don’t remember the website.


[quote=“CloudDog, post:1, topic:35027”]
Do you read any? Do you get it? Do you blog, do you find it rewarding?
[/quote]I’ve mainly watched VLogs these days & left positive feedback. Reading is becoming cumbersome, something with my eyes tiring out too swifty and my nerves acting up.

I have a graphic design blog but I share my work, I don’t really write anything. Randomly.
If you want a logo for your website or blog, let me know. I will gladly create it for you for free. <3


i have a ’ take over the world ’ blog…lol :imp:
take care :alien:



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I’m not an avid reader, writing is much more enjoyable and cathartic for me. Most difficult part is staying consistent with writing. I’ve had my blog almost two years, with just 70 posts. Theatre and sz sounds like a world of possibility. Good luck.


I’ve been blogging for 5 years. I’ve written 920 posts on my main blog and at different times had a couple of other blogs which I abandoned as it was too demanding to write two or three posts a day. My main blog has had 95,500 visitors (roughly)…I find it immensely gratifying. It is cathartic and also makes me think, keeps my brain sharp. I think that even if no one came to my blog, I would still continue to write it.
Good luck with your decision to check it out!


Locomotion-Welcome Back!

THANK YOU!! I didn’t know anyone missed me :smile:

My executive function is handicapped by SZ. I am unable to get it together to post a blog. I feel dumb. Read my posts here. They aren’t dumb.

Your posts are definitely not dumb.

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I don’t like people working for free, but I could afford $50 USD via PayPal next month. I am in need of a log. Will PM.


I have a blog, but it’s not on SZ issues. Only place I talk about those is here. I read blogs on politics, podcasting, DJing, and photography. And cooking. Definitely cooking.


No problem. Let me know. I would do it for free for friends. I charge clients.

i can’t really help myself…i am a ’ sith ’ afterall :imp:
we are born ’ bad '… :smiley:
take care :alien:

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I haven’t updated in awhile, but plan a post about seasonal affective disorder soon.