Blog "Welcome" Post- What do you think?

I wanted to explain to people why my pictures aren’t perfect and why I don’t do full face shots. I also thought it would be good to get my sza diagnosis out there. What do y’all think?

Hi Everyone! My name is Heather, and I am a happily married mother with three children, one dog, and two guinea pigs. While I do stay busy, I like to spend my free time on makeup: shopping, looking, and trying. I also subscribe to a couple of beauty boxes so I can have even more things to try out. I also happen to have schizoaffective disorder. It’s kind of like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder having a baby; I have symptoms of both. Don’t worry- it’s well controlled with medication. Unfortunately, though, that very medication turned on me and gave me a condition called tardive dyskinesia that makes me blink, move my mouth, clasp my hands, and rock my head back and forth. It’s hard to get pictures as a result, so don’t expect to see full face shots. I’ll do what I can, though, but I ask that you be patient with me. If you don’t see a picture up, it’s not because I didn’t want to; it’s because I couldn’t. So, if you are an average person who is looking for reviews without Photoshop or filters, keep reading, like, and subscribe!


Looks good. Best of luck with your blog !

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The gravy in having a blog is the time stamp and date. Things can become more meaningful in redeeming ways or just general positive ways.


Looks great! Nice job.


Go ahead and do ya thang miss lady

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How long were you on APs before you got TD? Can you afford the medicine that treats it?

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I like it, sounds good

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Yep! I was on meds for about five years before I knew for sure that I had TD. I was showing symptoms before then, but they were very discreet (small mouth movements that I thought I was doing on purpose, had clasping that I thought was part of my tremors), so I don’t know for sure when it started. My insurance covers the $13k a month for Austedo at 24 mg 2x/day. They wanted me on Ingrezza, but were willing to do Austedo if Ingrezza didn’t work. Ironically, they don’t want to cover meds over $1k and give me a really tough time about it. I have to fight them for months to get approval. But Austedo? No fight, nothing. Just approved. Thanks goodness!


How well does it work?

I have the occasional issue- blinking, mouth movements, and ALWAYS movements in my left hand. But mostly, my issues are brought on by strong emotions or caffeine. I really have to watch my caffeine intake. Even a small amount sets me off. You can stop your movement for a little while with TD, but I have found that the only way I can stop my blinking is by closing my eyes. I have a theory that this is because one has to naturally blink. Consequently, each time I blink, it sets off the TD again. Just a theory, though. I’ve also noticed that my mouth movements are worse when my blinking is bad and also when I mess with my face. It’s kinda weird. And last but not least, those spoons and forks that are supposed to help and cost a couple of hundred dollars didn’t do a thing for me. So no soup!

That sounds so awful. I’m so sorry. You have a good attitude about it though and I’m really impressed with that.

So I should change it? Any recommendations? I’m open to suggestions. :slight_smile:

Interesting I had tongue thrusting from Haldol… and blinking is part of my own personal “Horror show” because I think it’s a “Semi-conscious” type of thing. I’d say more… but I have a belief that this stuff could be communicable if I go to far with it… through info sharing.

I don’t have any recommendations other than making a list of pros and cons and seeing which list makes the better argument

cogentin or artane shouldn’t cost much.

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