I wanted to explain to people why my pictures aren’t perfect and why I don’t do full face shots. I also thought it would be good to get my sza diagnosis out there. What do y’all think?
Hi Everyone! My name is Heather, and I am a happily married mother with three children, one dog, and two guinea pigs. While I do stay busy, I like to spend my free time on makeup: shopping, looking, and trying. I also subscribe to a couple of beauty boxes so I can have even more things to try out. I also happen to have schizoaffective disorder. It’s kind of like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder having a baby; I have symptoms of both. Don’t worry- it’s well controlled with medication. Unfortunately, though, that very medication turned on me and gave me a condition called tardive dyskinesia that makes me blink, move my mouth, clasp my hands, and rock my head back and forth. It’s hard to get pictures as a result, so don’t expect to see full face shots. I’ll do what I can, though, but I ask that you be patient with me. If you don’t see a picture up, it’s not because I didn’t want to; it’s because I couldn’t. So, if you are an average person who is looking for reviews without Photoshop or filters, keep reading, like, and subscribe!
Yep! I was on meds for about five years before I knew for sure that I had TD. I was showing symptoms before then, but they were very discreet (small mouth movements that I thought I was doing on purpose, had clasping that I thought was part of my tremors), so I don’t know for sure when it started. My insurance covers the $13k a month for Austedo at 24 mg 2x/day. They wanted me on Ingrezza, but were willing to do Austedo if Ingrezza didn’t work. Ironically, they don’t want to cover meds over $1k and give me a really tough time about it. I have to fight them for months to get approval. But Austedo? No fight, nothing. Just approved. Thanks goodness!
I have the occasional issue- blinking, mouth movements, and ALWAYS movements in my left hand. But mostly, my issues are brought on by strong emotions or caffeine. I really have to watch my caffeine intake. Even a small amount sets me off. You can stop your movement for a little while with TD, but I have found that the only way I can stop my blinking is by closing my eyes. I have a theory that this is because one has to naturally blink. Consequently, each time I blink, it sets off the TD again. Just a theory, though. I’ve also noticed that my mouth movements are worse when my blinking is bad and also when I mess with my face. It’s kinda weird. And last but not least, those spoons and forks that are supposed to help and cost a couple of hundred dollars didn’t do a thing for me. So no soup!
Interesting I had tongue thrusting from Haldol… and blinking is part of my own personal “Horror show” because I think it’s a “Semi-conscious” type of thing. I’d say more… but I have a belief that this stuff could be communicable if I go to far with it… through info sharing.