Binge-eat when feeling well?

From records of my binge-eating for the past 5 monthes, I’ve found out that I almost always binge-eat on good days rather than bad days full of stress. Why is this? Can feeling good be a source of stress?

And I remember when I was trying to quit smoking I monitored my smoking habits and found out that I tended to smoke more when feeling/doing good. (Now I’m smoke-free for the past 5 years)

I think my increased appetite is partly due to Abilify but I think there must be something on my part.


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Yes, abilify can increase your appetite. I take a bcomplex to stop it doing that. I found a bcomplex with just 100% rda of b vitamins to be best.

I use this :

And I take it 6 hours after taking abilify.

I get pressure on my chest if I take them together, or if I take a stronger bcomplex than the one in the link.

I’ve heard that feeling good can release cortisol, the stress hormone, just as if there is something stressful going on. So yes it can happen.

Sounds like hypomanic symptomatology or maybe full mania.

I myself had a stable mood before the meds; I was agitated and hurt myself every day. Now I sometimes feel too energetic. Bizarre. I do think that maybe the alcohol and drug use ■■■■■■ my brain into mild schizoaffective, but they have me down as just chronic paranoid schizophrenia and insomnia.

Ambien worked last night. My new prescription is fap and then ambien and bam sleep then wake up at 7. Whatever it takes.

But my point is that what you described is some bipolar upside stuff.

I am increasingly noticing my binge eating occurs when changing from a completely laid back existence to concentrating on things that need to get done. So it usually happens Sunday night. Even though I don’t work all my appointments and business is during the week and I usually have absolutely nothing to do on the weekend. When I was working the most weight gain came during vacations. I often gained as much as 20 pounds or more during a week off. Sometimes I would eat sensibly the first meal and then soon was on a week long period of eating badly. Idle bodies are the Devil’s workshop. I don’t tend to binge as much now since I no longer eat bread but my resistance towards controlling my eating tends to break down when there’s nothing to do.

Abilify increased my appetite too. I gained a bunch of weight on it now I have wine belly. and chubby legs. Not bad for a demoiselle someone once told me. Geode is a good med for weight loss. Now I’m Latuda and it’s just a mix of good and bad days. Some days I eat a lot, some days I don’t. Whatever. Cheers to good health!

I try to calculate my portions in a conscious effort whenever possible. I fail at times but i try to get back on the horse