Do you know of a best resource or website to narrow down a Schizoaffective / bipolar diagnosis?
I’m diagnosed Sza bipolar type and the info shows that’s true, but there’s a few grey areas I’m not sure about, like varying moods and psychosis… But some clear ones are it doesn’t seem possible to have 7 straight years of psychosis if bipolar only… Having a hard time coming up with good answers for a bunch of questions.
7 years of psychosis - what a movie it would be
Thanks @everhopeful I’ve been talking with them for a couple years now and they ask questions I don’t know if I’m answering correctly.
The main one is do I feel normal right before psychosis (not manic or depressed) I say the answer is yes, but I often feel mild mania or depression, and can say I feel normal.
Hoping a resource could help me understand the nuts and bolts better so I can identify them in myself and what I’m feeling.