Being grateful

it is important that we are grateful…
i am grateful for this site and so is mrs. sith…personally i would not be here, i would have given up, but seeing other people keep going on this forum gave me strength.
we can take things for granted…
so maybe if you want, as others have done in the past on similar posts, we should say something nice to szadmin and the moderators…there job is not an easy one.
without this site we would all be a bit more lonely…
a bit more sad…
a bit more isolated…
less educated on our mental illness…
less knowing of the suffering and hurt our loved ones go through with us.
so here is to you sz forum :heart: and it’s community.
i humbly bow before you all.
take care people of earth :earth_asia: :alien:


Here Here…

I second that thought @darksith

Nicely put.