This site was moved to here from an older site. I mean that I think this site was built from scratch but it was based on some older forums. Many, many, people probably remember the old site. But the reason this current site was made was because the old forums crashed often. They would work fine for four months but then all of a sudden they would not work and you couldn’t access them. Sometimes they would be fixed in two weeks but it could also take as long as three weeks or even a month once.
And near the end, they would only work half-way or sporadically and that could last weeks where you could post something one minute and the next minute no one could open the thread and answer and only one forum would work while every other forum was down and it could switch back and forth all day for weeks. I think the older members here appreciate this site a little more than newer members who for them, this site is all they know. But imagine this site shutting down every two month and staying inaccessible for a couple weeks and you will appreciate it more the way it is right now.