Being called psychotic/delusional by other people

Not doctors etc

How does it make you feel? I personally dislike the words’ common usage to mean things like ”He’s so psychotic” when in reality they mean psychopath.

I really don’t like being called crazy. Psychotic or delusional doesn’t bug me. I think in general people misunderstand sz and mental health. A lot of people think sz means you have multiple personalities.


In my case, I have never been addressed as being crazy but maybe just once. I gave hell to the guy for doing so. But the way people treat you has an underlying bias. That you are not normal nor to be taken to be normal. Some sort of condescending manner of speaking with you. Hate that attitude.


I live in an assisted living center for the mentally ill, so I am surrounded by schizophrenics all the time. When we go to Walmart we tend to gather near the door after we’ve got our groceries, and I think all the so called “normies” view us sort of like skid row bums. Everyone of us would be glad not to have to hang out there, but our van often has to run errands, and as a result we are stranded near the door. I’ve never heard anyone call us “psychos” but I believe that is the way they see us.


I’m kind of scared of ending up in a place like that when I’m older because I have a hard time taking meds etc and I’m also autistic

Sorry for offtopic but needed to get this out of my head


I’m sure your struggling but haven’t you been warned about starting new threads over the same stuff? Let me read back. I’ve had a hell couple of days but aren’t you just repeating yourself?

? I’m lost and confused you realise

So are many others. I’m not dissing you just saw a couple of threads locked.

I know i’m sorry i just need an outlet to vent my thoughts

Yeah totally understood but repeating doesn’t help other people who have problems too. It’s a hard slog for any mental illness but remember those others who may do worse than you and need some time to vent too. Resources in mental health are spread thin at the best of times.

I know but it doesn’t take any resources from anyone if I vent

You don’t need to reply if you don’t care

like ofc there always people who have it worse than u but there are always people who have it better than u

You can refuse your med’s here, but I don’t recommend it. I’ve seen a lot of people do that, and they usually messed up.

I see… i thought it was like a psych ward in a sense that you couldn’t refuse meds

No. It’s a place for chronically mentally ill people to live. If you’re not court committed you can leave any time you want. Some people stay here for just a month or two. Others 2, 3, 4 years, and others much longer. I’ve been here nineteen years myself, and one guy is going on 30 years.

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I just think why would you want to live in a such place? Or is there no other options? Sorry for you either way, SZ is the most severe mental illness in my opinion

SZ is pretty devastating. Personally, I think my court commitment is still in effect, but even if I wasn’t court committed this is a good option for me. Isolation is a big enemy for schizophrenics. It’s possible to be in a nice apartment with every creature comfort met, and still be ready to pull your hair out because of the isolation. Here I have people to talk to, when I want to talk. A lot of the problems of mental illness are addressed here. Sometimes a bad element or two can come in and change the character of the place for a little while, but those people usually leave pretty soon. It isn’t a bad life.

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I get ya on the social element thing, I’m pretty lonely and lack motivation to do anything myself

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Yes that is a pet peeve of mine and I see it all the time. Calling murderers and whatnot psychotic. It’s very offensive. I try to educate people when I hear them talk like that.


Just because youve been called schizophrenic, people are watching you, so the cure is part of the disease. In fact, its been a major part.

i think being called psychopathic or delusional is so a typical and abusive. however i have been called them by my very own father. FOOD for THOUGHT.

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