Been to the Hairdresser

I feel happy and am smiling.

I have not been to the hairdressers for over two years I think.

Only coloured my hair at home.

Last hairdresser I went to I had identity issues as I thought I was someone else and so forth.

Because I have not spent money on maintenance of my hair I decided to treat myself to a extension instead as a early birthday gift.

I had hair extensions put in but only five cm linger mainly more volume.

My natural hair is/was just above my breast and this extension is by breast.

My hairdresser did not look overly thrilled or happy but she did wel

She made it good.

Hope she is happier and feeling better now.

It just looked like she had weight on her shoulders somehow.

I was not paranoid either which was good.

She asked what I do and I told her I am on pension but am educated aged care worker but I can not work.

Other day I was at a bbq with my bf and his friends and I suffered so much but managed to endure through dinner and left early .

Thankful I got my hair done.

I am wanting to improve myself inside and out this year.

Wishing us a good hairdresser experience.



Good for you. Looking after yourself is always a worthwhile thing and glad it was a pleasant experience.

For years I’ve got my mum to cut my hair. I don’t really work so only at cricket do most folk see me…doesn’t have to be great and it was a passable job. These days I go to a friends daughter who is a hairdresser. Get a great cut for $20!

Well done you!

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