Bad psych ward experience tw

I went into the psych ward 16 days ago after staying in the ER for a day. There were a couple cool people who I think could be my friend at least through texting although we weren’t supposed to share numbers but there were a number of people that I did like and I shared numbers with four people I think. What made this experience so bad was partly my mind state. Worst doctors I’ve ever experience although one of the doctors is good it wasn’t my doctor. The social worker was OK she knew what she was doing even if I didn’t always agree with her on things. And towards the end of my stay there was one lady who is 61 years old and had been taking antipsychotics for 40 years. Well they gave her a combo of antipsychotics that triggered dementia in her by the time I was ready to leave. She came in displaying no memory problems but then I think the meds they gave her induced Dementia in just a weeks time. And she was one of the best people there before this happened and then it was just sad

Then the last day I had built a friendship with a girl who had the same birthday as my mom and we talked a lot about things and we had in common but I never wanted to meet a girl in the psych ward but I was friends with her enough that when this 18-year-old guy started choking her and attacking her on her birthday after an argument with this look in his eyes like he wanted to kill her. I had walked right in on the event. It was really Traumatic for everyone I think but I didn’t know how to react other than yelling what The ■■■■ is wrong with you and yelling and running to get Staff. There were these two dudes who are huge who are right there fortunately to get him off otherwise I would’ve had to intervene physically. Idk what got into that guy at that time. He calmed down after and they took the watch off him within 24 hours I think


You’re back! Long time, no see.
Sorry about the hospitalization.

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