Bad deal. I found out today that

Due to cracking a molar on each side of my mouth from grinding, I now need 2 root canals. My insurance won’t cover the cost. And it’s so expensive.

Good news is that they adjusted my bite guard so I can start wearing it again. I shouldn’t crack any more teeth while using it.

I’m so frustrated. It’ll cost like $2600 USD. Ugh!


Can’t you just have them removed? That’s what I would do. I cracked a tooth not that long ago and just had it removed.


It causes bone loss to do that so I’d rather avoid that


@LilyoftheValley Bone loss may be true but with a root canal your tooth will not forever someday they will either have to redo it or pull them completely buy in the end it’s up to you

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Only $2600 isn’t that bad. Usually it’s $1K for the root canal and $1K for the crown. Each.

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If you get them removed you can get implants. Those are better than a tooth after a root canal.


I grind my teeth too. Have to wear a mouth guard in my sleep.
Worth getting one if you can.


I find it helpful to hear about things like this so that if it ever happens to me, I will be mentally prepared.

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Possible to rebuild bones using bone grafting. I’m looking at this in about six years if my heart doesn’t take me out first.

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Same thing happened to me. Now, 7 years later, my crowns are starting to chip because the grinding is still an issue.

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@Ninjastar @StarCrazy i have a bite guard but it didn’t fit properly. Today the dentist fixed it so I can wear it again.

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How much do implants cost?

No way could I afford bone grafting.

Some of it is covered by our benefits, but not all.

My insurance doesn’t cover that

I grind when im awake, almost all day long. I now have invisalign braces,and those have been helping. When i finiah treatment, I will probably need to keep wearing them just as a protection against more grinding.

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Probably about the same as the root canals, but they won’t rot or break like the real teeth will eventually.


I was quoted 2600 total for 2 root canals. The implant is $3000 to 4500 per tooth. Implants are definitely not an option

That sounds much more expensive than I had remembering it being. Are you sure that is an accurate quote on the price of implants?

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Yes. I’m sure. But every dentist can charge differently

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