I had one done today and I need two more. Of course I can’t afford it but I will put them on my credit card. A cheaper alternative would have been to pull all three teeth, it would have saved me a $1000 but the dentist said it would be more expensive down the line because the teeth are all next to each other and dental implants are expensive and I would need dentures. So I’m going $3100 into debt. My step mom is going to help me pay so it will take me 8 months to pay it all off.
I will eventually get dentures.
I don’t want to save my teeth.
Not worth the cost.
Don’t forget the third option of only eating pudding the for rest of your life.
JK. Sorry that you have to go into debt for your dental work @77nick77 .
I need a lot of dental work done but I am afraid. I can take pain pretty well. I just hate the social anxiety.
I couldn’t afford to have my teeth fixed so opted to have them removed and to get dentures,
My advice is to beg, steal or borrow the money if it means getting to keep your natural teeth as having dentures is horrible.
Worthwhile matey. I’ve horrible teeth for over here because I moved out and spent my money on other things like video players! Didn’t I regret that now where I’m losing teeth and the free service is rubbish. No root canals just simply pulling teeth.
It’s an investment in your health and worth the expense in my opinion!
I had one of these before
After about an hour, the dentist said to her assistant ‘lets not try it that way again’
Ive just got a dental bridge, i was missing 2 fronth teeth because of an accident
Same here. I got a bridge. I dipped tobacco for a while even when I had the bridge, and the tobacco would gradually eat away the cement on my bridge. Then I would have to get another bridge. My last bridge has lasted 20 years. I don’t know how long it will stay in. I’m wondering what my options are.
Have one molar missing, after they wanted to do a root canal. I said no way, pull it out. It’s the second last molar and don’t miss it since. About a decade ago. They told me my teeth would grow weird, but that did not happen. I guess they wanted to make crowns and bridges, but that costed more, so I had one pulled. Was a good choice since it’s far in the back. Was about $70, much cheaper.
I have perfect teeth but I’m only 36 and we have free dental care in the UK for people on benefits. Including check ups every 6 months.
Darn yeah teeth can be costly. Well atleast you will get your teeth fixed.
I have had numerous problems with my dental health and I still can’t get myself to brush every night. L.O.L.
You should see if your local college offers free dental care. A lot of schools do that for student dentist. Welfare will sometimes cover your bills even if you’re not on it. (You have to make under a certain amount). I’ve used both of these methods when i had no money to get my teeth fix. Hope that helps.
man, you didn’t even complain about the pain of doing the first root canal !! tough guy !! I love your posts…I wish I was as successful as you @77nick77 good for you man…I had to have an upper molar on each side taken out…sucks…
That’s an idea. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out at the San Francisco dental college back in the 80’s.
Thanks @MikaMoon! I went to the San. Francisco University dental college website and got a phone number to call them. I’m going to call them first thing tomorrow.
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