Guys I’m back to getting really angry and fearful that I will do something bad. It’s not just normal anger like it’s full on rage and it eats me up. I guess I’m not posting for advice but venting now that I’m calmed down.
I don’t want to end up causing real harm because of this B.S. I just don’t understand why people want to hurt me and why they enjoy all of this suffering and conflict. Without the “delusions” I’m mostly a nice person and I feel this abuse/sz is wrapping me out of who I really am.
I know most of you guys can’t relate to violent fantasies and living in two different worlds as far as how you deal with people but it sucks man…
Shutterbug I’ve been trying for years man… It’s Soo seductive and it just over powers me. I feel like a scared little dog trying to fight off a tiger … Im gonna keep pushing but I might slip up or stroke out or something. I’ma keep trying tho.
This happened to me so you should look into that. Saphris (asenapine) made me want to scream and tell people off. That’s literally the opposite of who I am as a person.
As soon as I switched off the Saphris, I was back to normal again.
Idk if its just not being able to deal with emotions but i almost never got angry before I can remember like 3 times in my life I was really angry but when all the mental stuff started I became angry off the meds. It’s like maybe I’m disposed to being angry but nothing triggered it until I started having all of these persecutory beliefs or whatever. I found something that calms me down but it’s not a legit medicine… and I can only take it in micro doses so it won’t stop the huge emotions.
I think I’m gonna have to find a natural/non chemical solution.
I now finally only react very rarely on threads but I found it nessesarely to mix in the discussion.
Yes Ken just like you I found myself angry on some occasions just like you.
When somebody treats us badly then it’s sometimes impossible not to react in anger.
Try to avoid discussions with people who make you angry.
Findout if the meds make you angry or it’s preventing anger.
Avoid any substances that can cause your anger like coffee cigs and buzz and street drugs.
Finally Ill say that I dont know if it was a bad mix of antipsychotics that made me that angry or if the wanishing of anger was caused by ageing