Tried killing myself and failed. So back to the big house i go. Y couldn’t i cut deep enough ill never know. Probably knifes fault
It was not the knife it was your subconscious mind that wasn’t ready for death, its a survival instinct.
I hope you go alright in the hospital @Kazuma. I will be thinking of you. Take care.
Hey, @Kazuma I hope things get better for you. Take care. You’ll be in my thoughts. I wish you well.
As im stuck in the ER waiting for a room in the psych ward i just want to apologize to everyone i hurt over this past week on this forum. Ive said some really insensitive and awful things and i know ive hurt people through my own bull ■■■■. I especially want to apologize to @anon40540444 for my post. I dont expect u to forgive me and i know u hate me for it but im sorry. It was really shitty what i said and i have no explanation for y i did that. And to everyone else to whom it may concern I just want to apologize again for sudden outbursts on this forum. I really dont want to screw anything up for u all and ive enjoyed everyones company. Thanks for allowing me to be on here.
pretty sure you are welcome back Kazuma, otherwise this site wouldn’t be worth the electricity it takes to get to it.
I was hoping you just fell asleep last night…good luck maybe they put you on some diff meds or something.
get well soon ,.,.,.121212
I’m sorry you had to call so loudly for help, @Kazuma, but I’m glad you’re going to be in a safe place now. Can’t wait to see posts from you as you get on your feet again. ️
Hang in there and don’t let discouragement get you, in the darkness, use the brightest colors
I’m so glad that you’re in a safe place now @Kazuma
I hope you feel better soon and I look forward to hearing how things are going with you.
Take care of yourself!
P.S. Hopefully the hospital food isn’t too bad.