Back from the hospital

Was put in the hospital, even had the pleasure of a free taxi ride in a deputy sheriffs car.

Am no longer employed, a lady from the hospital is helping me get back on disability,
Also, my psychiatrist there was retired army and told me to contact the va since my first hospitalization was in the army. He said they may give me a percentage of disability separate from ssdi. Not holding my breath on that, but it’s worth a shot

So I crashed and burned, trying to pick up the pieces and fragments of the puzzle

Really sux tho

Trying to write, paint, and draw


That’s tough, Peace18. I’ve relapsed too before. It ain’t easy, but with some help from family and other people I recovered and I started over. Take care of yourself. Being hospitalized is a setback, it’s not total defeat.

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Perhaps its the spirit calling you to focus on your art

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Thanx @77nick77, trying to stay positive. It’s difficult. It’s a new routine, but yeah, my family is helping

Guess things had disintegrated so badly that the hospital was like a time out

It wasn’t the nightmare I expected tho. I am thankful for that

But when I got home, my wife and I watched One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, hahahaa

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well, at least you are stable now? I hope you get your benefits you need.

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@HuckFinn, that’s something to consider, now my time can be devoted to creating art. We are moving by the end of the year

Was hoping to make an attempt to get my masters in fine art and perhaps teach part time on the college level

@jukebox as stable as possible, still left of center, but not in left field out of the game, really I was over the fence of reality before the hospital and watched the game from the other side.

Thanx, also hope the disability goes through, they are supposed to fast track it so we shall see

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You may want to look up some websites about “Relapse prevention”. Sometimes there is nothing we can do to prevent a relapse. Sometimes we can be doing everything right and still have a relapse. But there are ways too recognize signs that you are headed for a relapse and take measures to nip it in the bud or at least make it easier.

There are practical steps we can do to prevent a relapse. A few of them are: Keep a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed the same time every night and don’t stay up too late. Exercise. Have a support system in place if you can. Take your meds as prescribed of course. DON’T DO DRUGS. That’s a big one. And there are very many other things you can do too. Doing these things lessen a chance that you might relapse again.


Those are important indeed. I am trying to exercise daily now which I couldn’t do before,

Still trying to get a routine, they put me on 80mg of geodon in the hospital, but it caused my blood pressure to elevate so they gave me medicine for that while there but not a prescription upon discharge

Also, they were giving me ambien for sleep but didn’t give me a prescription for that either. I have a dr appt 06 May, so hope to get that corrected. Until then, I am taking the seroquel instead of geodon, I am not taking a med that ■■■■■ with my blood pressure like that. It was 167/103 one night in the hospital

I had many relapses on seroquel, maybe it’s time to look around for another med.

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you were actually incarcerated?

that sucks man…thank god that you out now

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Same dude, I just got out of the hospital too.

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Good to be free, eh? And they didn’t put a computer chip in my body like I thought they would. That’s a plus. They did use a two inch needle to jam into my thigh and shoot liquid geodon into my system. That was quite painful

Haha same, except it was Haldol in my ass. Sweet booty juice.

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I’m glad to hear you’re out and sorry to hear you had to go in at all.

The hard part is picking up the pieces of your life and stabilizing again. It’s good that you’re keeping yourself occupied with art and stuff.

When I would get out of the hospital, it would take me several months to piece my sense of self together again. Too much stressful anxiety and fear during psychosis. Just remember that your brain needs time to heal, it’s been through a traumatic experience your psychosis —and don’t be down on yourself for having to start certain things over.

Good luck to you! :smiley:


Good luck Peace. I wish you the very best in spite of all the chaos. I hope things start looking up. Take care.

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Ugh the booty juice. I got that shot into my arm once. It hurt!

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I had similar stuff happen. Sometimes it takes practice getting the hang out of this schizophrenia. I know it was super bad for me in the beginning.

I was hospitalized twice. The third time it was about to happen, I kind of knew what to expect. So I was able to avoid it. I am a bit happier these days, though.

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