Baby shower questions💕

Hey everybody! So I have two questions about my baby shower… what would be a good $10 prize to give away for winning a game? We need one more I believe…
Also, which butterfly cookies do you guys like? The colors of the cookies are gonna be- light pink, light purple and light orange🙂 I told my cousin (who is basically putting together everything) to just send the lady making the cookies all the pictures of them and tell her to surprise us😂


best looking cookie with light-blueones.

Candy possibly ?

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Yeah… candy is a good idea… we just are already giving away food stuff in three of the prizes so I wanted something besides food🙃


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For the $10 gift, I’d give little succulents.

Everybody likes those and they’re hard to kill.

I like the second picture of cookies.

But those would be crazy expensive because of the detail work.


My favorite is the second one, but I think the best for the occasion is the fourth one


If you don’t wish to pass out a lot of food items try a puzzle books / coloring books / a good reading book ?

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Thanks for the input @GoldenRex


My cousin is paying for the cookies and I think she knows the lady doing them… so maybe she will get them cheaper, who knows.


True that @LilyoftheValley

I was also thinking the polka dot ones were more for a baby shower

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Hmmm… good idea!


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a $10 item has to based randomly as item is pick… you should ask your self what is most popular thing all your guest you know have as a common thing they like. Then you might be able to figure out a properly bought and giving reward for a game prize… As example:
All the women love hair accessories… Good prize would be a hair accessory like a new set of hair clips/ or pony tail thingies…
Sorry for bad idea but I am just a guy…

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Oh no it’s not a bad idea at all!

Thanks for the input, it is much appreciated.

There’s gonna be a few men there and people ranging in all different ages so it makes it even harder to think of a gift everyone would like


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The last one I went to, the mommy to be made homemade fresh jam and canned it. Everyone got a jar of jam. And it was really good


Nice, that sounds awesome!



Cute mug? Travel mug? Could be filled with different types of tea or hot chocolate?

I like the second and last pictures best.


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