Avoiding eye contact

I have a lot of trouble making eye contact with some people because I sense them reading my mind and I feel that if I look at their face or look into their eyes, they can see into my mind even easier. So, I try my best to look away from them or look at anybody or anything but them. And it’s very hard because they can still read my mind even without my looking at them. What are you supposed to do about this? Stay at home all the time and never be around people? That’s what I do most all of the time.

Mind reading is a common delusion in sz. You have to keep telling yourself it isn’t real and try to overcome it the best you can.

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Maby force yourself to make eye contact till your delusion moves to something else or goes away

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I get this problem sometimes too @SkinnyMe. I don’t like making eye contact much either. I don’t avoid people much but I don’t really look them in the eye either as it distracts my thoughts so I can’t say what I want to say. And if I’m agitated in my mind or hypomanic or hearing voices then others can see it if I make eye contact with them. If I’m calm and stable it’s a little bit easier to look them in the eye. (Only a little bit.)


I look away then look back. Sometimes I don’t feel comfortable. But if the mind reading starts then I fight bravely on.

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@gobeyond are you o k? that sounded delusional to me…do you believe in mind reading? if so, you are probably about to be fully psychotic…please tell your psychiatrist if you believe you have mind readers…


Its just thought broadcasting that I live with. It doesn’t show very often any more. @jukebox
Thanks for the concern. I self talk, I sniff, I avoid. Being on here is the best distraction! Otherwise I’m struggling today.

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sorry bro…still tell your psychiatrist you want to fix your meds so you don’t believe this.

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@SkinnyMe I’m sorry I should have included you in saying that you should share this with your pdoc.

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Thanks @jukebox. If I’m out and around people and it continues, I will.

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I avoid eye contact when I’m trying to hide a part of myself from other people.

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