Attitude is everything?

Is this statement true? I’ve been getting by on being half alive, dragging. Have I done all I can do for myself? Did I really try as hard as I could? When are the demands unreasonable? My daemon wants me to kill myself because I get no sex. I don’t care about sex, but it would be better if I did, I can’t do anything about that, I’d like to know people but at least I have my intellectual pleasure. I want to give up all the time. I’m always tired, yesterday’s walk made me beat, I’m not used to it. I figure if I can eventually walk 60 minutes a day or maybe 45 it will be better for me than reading or doing my music. And my excuses for not are lame, even in the summer I can get out at dawn before it heats up too much. The reasons for dying are not solid, they fall apart in my hands. I feel sorry for you if you truly have valid reasons and ask you to question it My daemon has been trying to kill me for about thirty years and it was not that bad it just got bad being so negative. Maybe that part of me can see the light of truth, not his idea of the truth. How you doing? Same old, same old story, I’m not doing too well. I want to relax and I have a job to do and I’m an old man inside.

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Attitude may well be an answer. Not every day, but I try to get up each day with the idea that I’m going to kick the day’s *ss, that I’m gonna make it a good day regardless. Of course weird stuff happens sometimes, but I try to do that CBT thing (just getting into that) and/or just stay calm (me? Ha!) but in general I try to mentally muscle my way through the day. My idea is that I’m going to act, not react. I’m probably not getting this through the way I want, but I want to twist my day into a shape that better suits me. :thinking:

I’ve been walking twice a day for about a year, but what works for me is I only walk for 30 to 40 min per time.

Attitude isn’t everything but is a big part of being happy.

Attitude is super important. With that being said, it’s not like we can just flip a switch and develop a positive attitude. Too many times someone will say something like “Oh just change your outlook on life,” or some other oversimplified answer to our problems. Got anxiety? Just don’t worry, that’s another one of my favorite arbitrary problem solvers.

My own experience has shown me that making small changes everyday build up to massive improvements. What’s the saying about a snowflake? On its own its not too impressive, get a whole bunch together and you’ve got yourself a blizzard.

I wake up every morning and immediately think of five to ten things I’m grateful for. Some days I have to dig deep to finish my list. Other days I can go up to twenty. The point is, when I think about what I’m grateful for first thing in the morning, it starts off the day with a positive spin. This is just one tiny change I’ve made.

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