As a mentally ill person, do you ever feel unlovable?

II live with the mentally ill and I can tell you the most lovable member of the family is out stray tomcat, Ashton. The rest of us are either cold or upset.


Yes, I feel completely unlovable.

You have to be entertaining in some way to be loved.

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Right. You have to work to be loved.


I feel unlovable, but I do have a lot of love to give.

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Well, you put yourself in a bind if you have love to give and won’t accept being loved for it.

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Given the reactions I have received from women when I tell them I have schizophrenia, yeah, I am unlovable from that perspective.

My parents love me though.


But the women’s reactions are to an idea not necessarily reactions to you.

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I will say it’s difficult to love a painfully tense person. And we are that.

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My sisters probably love me in a sisterly way. Maybe my step-mom.
The rest of the world? Not so much.

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Hell no. I’m cute and smart and funny, I’m sort of a catch :kissing_heart::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I feel unlovable but yet I am very loved.

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Is that like can’t take a compliment?

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I felt loved around my grandmother and when outside of my mom’s home as a kid. Feel loved by immediately family now. Feel kind of used by my cat, but, she has issues.

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I just feel like I’m a burden but in spite of those feelings my family still loves me. It’s in my head I guess.

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My former friends and roommates loved me until I turned depressed and psychotic. It’s definitely hard. My immediate family loves me and I love them.

I feel unlovable too. Sometimes I feeli don’t deserve love… also I don’t feel I have much to offer.

Well, don’t forget it’s a give and take situation. I’m sure your family has times when they seem like a burden to you, too.

You too. What is wrong with those prancing tree mongers? I thought I was the only one.

Mine was re-homed to me from a cat hoarder. She didn’t get along with the rest of the hoarder’s cats and spent three years living in a cramped bedroom with the daughter. Couldn’t roam around. Pretty sure it damaged her psychologically as much as you can a cat, anyhow. Her hair was hard and bristly when we got her. She is now much softer and calmer, enjoys cuddling more.

Edit: You can tell she loves having space as well.

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I felt unlovable until I got married I suppose…

Even now though I feel like I am boring and not entertaining enough