Are you weak too in your illness?

I turned weak again today. The problem is that I rage against this, so it turns into a torment…
OK, the isolation of 20 years worsened this too probably…
But am I alone on that? Someone, please? :cry::cry:
There’s chances to regain in strength, right?
My online boyfriend thinks, that I am dying with all that… it’s very hurtful thing to hear, am scared from some other illnesses now and the death…
Anyway, please, share if you knew the weakness too? All outside seem sooo active, strong, while I even struggle to breathe from soul pain, to talk sometimes etc…
The people love strong, healthy people… me, I am weak as a loose and no one needs me… :cold_sweat:
If I can’t change this now, at least I should accept it and not rage too, right? In order to not suffer? And hoping that it’ll get better?


Oh no I like you and so does the world just as is!!

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Hope you feel better… :sun_with_face:

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I hear you Anna I’m turning weak too. Been wasting away without eating for days been isolating and my strength is failing me don’t worry I sense there will be peace for you soon… keep your head up!!

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Oh, thank you @anon38481630 … I was proud before as I was, by I just saw now on internet some women who seemed to have so much energy, no matter how they look, that I understood its something very attractive too…
Yeah, I damaged myself with my isolation… now I fight, but I feel all kind of physical consequences…
Gosh, am so sad, pals… I am both mentally and physically sick now… all my friends doesn’t believe in my recovery anymore, they know me weak since forever…
But it’s better to accept even my weakness now, right? Not to rage against this fate?
I was a pretty girl, but I was always sick. I was amazed now by some overweight women, but who were having so much strength and life…
My bf freaked me out, that I seem as dying tbh… He is ill too but is very strong, healthy and active and sees me badly now :cold_sweat:
Thank you too @anon97970229 , yeah, I knew 20 years of isolation and my meds don’t help much still on my will to move and be less in emotional pain… but I guess, that it’s because I was given up for too long and sedentary…
The weakness is not a symptom of sz though?
Oh, wizard, it warms my heart if you like me like that yeap :slightly_smiling_face:
Maybe my paranoia also is a drainer of energy, I think on that too…
Anyway… it’s not a big deal if I go out, while dragging my feet, stumbling, curbed in my back a bit etc???
What a life… I had it tough, for sure… :pleading_face:

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Someone else who was weak too for a time?
Well, I am just crazy still, believing right now only in the health etc, it’s not right this… there are many pretty things too in the pain even I find lol… :no_mouth:
It was just a moment of very strong weakness, it was painful, that’s all…
Yeah, the peace of mind is way more important, maybe some enlightenment too lol :blush:
On internet it’s written, that szs often have low energy and weakness, yeap, but idk why no one has it here either…
Sorry that I dwell on this, I just was sick for 20 years and I start to have enough of being a total wacko and just lost like this, inadequate too :unamused:
I have to see my gp tomorrow in fact, that’s why I worry… my breathe even gets shorten by paranoia… there will be queues, it suxx… but I should still try right? Even though, that I feel sick?
@anon97970229 , you don’t have an idea how sweet was to me to hear from you, that maybe I can know more stability one day soon lol… I hope it’ll happen yeap :pleading_face: I am traumatized by 20 years of illness, that’s all :pensive:
The weakness can fade away too probably, right?
Yeah, weakness and fatigue very often in sz and depression :smirk:
Anyone else who can share the same experience? I saw other people in my hospitals, who also couldn’t even walk… but my thing lasted for long… my heart can jump even from a more hard core song still for example lol…


I try to be mentally strong but I’m brittle and snap like a twig, or maybe shatter like glass. Sometimes I forget to eat and then feel physically weak like I think you’re describing. I found coconut water really helps. My aunts has FND and any stress at all exacerbates her physical weakness. She can’t walk very far or climb stairs. I wish I could help you but can only send love and hopes for you to feel better soon x

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Yeah I hear ya. My weakness is due to not eating, meds and I also have a heart condition so its all catching up to me. A life of being sedentary and smoking but I don’t care. Haha. I hope you find stability I know it might seem far away but its coming. Just take it day by day and you’ll be alright.

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Yeah, I start to find now, that my heart maybe has problems too yeap… The best for the heart is movement, I wasn’t having this for years…
But my bf scared me, that I seem like dying now… it’s not for now still, right? :roll_eyes::smirk: yeah, dumb question, still attached to life…
Yeah @anon97970229 , the same here, smoking and sedentary. I was given up for years tbh, in despair and in the hell with it…
Now I fight. But the efforts don’t pay still, maybe cause it’s really a serious illness…
Anyway… I’ll look at my feet again tomorrow, waiting for my gp… he doesn’t like me much, cause he loves more the money and I don’t give him enough. I am always paranoid, that someone will shout at me or I won’t be able to finish a task because of my fears…
We’ll see… I do all this aline still though, my mom can’t help much anymore…
@anon97970229 , you’ve been sedentary since how much time? :slightly_smiling_face: Many szs isolate at their worst, right? :thinking::unamused:
OK, here is a legendary song for you all, guys… I am alone here in the evenings, since an eternity lol… In fact, I couldn’t understand even the rock before, I guess I was lacking some sensibility too, I suffered to not have had the full spectrum of my own emotions, maybe it’s a psycho thing… All my ill friends were always more sensible and creative than me lol…
OK, anyway, here it goes, this song is for all of us here on the forum :smiling_face:

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I’m sorry I hope you can get it checked out soon. Yeah some doctors are money hungry jack asses dont pay them no mind.

I been sedentary for a while now I’m young just been neglecting myself a lot lately.

Ohhhh I love Linkin Park really nice. I see shows you feel numb at times and like you said hard to feel emotions. I hear that it happens to me too, I laugh a lot even when I’m in emotional pain so it kind of helps.

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Yes I believe I’ve become weak and frail since my illness. But I have hopes to be healthy again… I try to exercise daily and study in way rehabilitate my body and mind.

I can’t eat too much due to trauma and such, but I do keep in mind to eat healthy when I can.

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I was sedentary for 20 years, it’s been too much. Plus, I was alone too for the most of that time. This made me very, very sick…
My despair can be so big, that my head is in total hell then…
I also eat few now, cause I started to can’t swallow harder food by anxiety and my conversion disorder…
I hope I’ll feel soon more will to get up tbh :roll_eyes: I can’t wait more, I am getting old and my body is falling apart I guess…
Just one another question pls folks… Can I recover on my sensibility too you find? I was almost blind for many emotions, which I was supposed to have, but didn’t… I really lived myself as a psycho with it, this was tough :unamused:… it’s a lot to be ill on your thoughts, body and feelings… I want a good life, that’s all. But the docs said, that I am a severe case too , yeap…

Maybe this kind of thinking, as in this quote, will save me one day, idk…


I try not to be weak, people always take advantage if you let them.

I meant physically weak… I have conversion disorder, I can’t still control the weakness of my body, when it shows its nose…

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Sorry you’re going thru this. I had to cancel my orientation because I am too weak emotionally and physically to handle a stressful 12 hour shift. I want to be couragious but also the area I was hired in is the county with the highest surge of delta virus in the state. I dont want to be another statistic, even though I am fully vaccinated. These are heartbreaking times.

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Yes, I’m weak. Very weak for being a standard typical schizophrenic.

Do you have myalgic enceptomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome)?

Many people feel weak with this condition.

I don’t have M.E. but I have moderate chronic fatigue.

I dont feel weak but feel stupid.

I still struggle some days with laziness and negative symptoms. Some days I barely do anything at all. It got worse after I got hypothyroidism.

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