Are you telepathic?

Most of us believe in spinal tap and being guilty of killing people with our thoughts, but to test any belief leaves all people in a confusion.

I could test telepathy now by asking you what number I’m thinking of between 1 and 10, maybe such a test could go further to more tests to make sure it is more than guess work, but most people look at that as insane.

Clairvoyance is another belief that is to be tested, you probably are not, else you could tell me what I will experience tomorrow in my life, I might see an old friend or maybe my dog will die, I will get a new job, I don’t know I’m not Clairvoyant, if you are then demonstrate your skill level.

The hardest one is the lock of religion, let’s leave that so the thread don’t get locked.

Dont speak for us. Where is your evidence that most of us have this belief?

If you’re telepathic please pick up the animal and colour I am projecting to you.

Ill write it down just so theres no cheating

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Tell me whats under the censor oh psychic one

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No your not telepathic. Your just delusional, with a hint of Grandeur thrown in.


I don’t know. The number 3 popped in to mind. But I’m religious, not psychic.

Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I read that most schizophrenics believe in telepathy and paranormal stuff. I guess I’m guilty of believing the way the system portrays us schizophrenics. I once thought that I have to kill my dad otherwise he will go to hell. Evil thoughts in my head said I should do it. I decided to use magic but magic is like psychic powers, superstition.


Blue fox

You’re welcome to try logging into my PC with if your telepathy can guide you to me.


I post things at times that may matter to someone else. I never know though.

Think there is something to it.

The number was 7.

Most of us don’t. You do. You’re projecting your delusions onto others.

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Those were never my delusions.

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Whats a spinal tap?
