Are you mentally lazy

I think I am but it’s tension that gives me this tendency.


I gravitate towards low energy things.

I crave the day when I can sit in the sun and just exist, without intrusive thoughts and pains and ■■■■■■■■. Just want to chill, for a long time.


I’m pretty lazy due to my illness and medication, but I’ve always had a hint laziness for a long time. I wish, though, that my mind could calm down and stay that way. But unfortunately I still have schizophrenia and OCD, so the chances of that ever happening is pretty slim. Maybe one day. . .

Idk if lazy is the right word for me, but I generally don’t think as much as I’d like to think, constructively.

Something to work on. Maybe

Guy I used to see used to call me that, but he didn’t know wat he was talking about.

No. It’s a full time job just to attempt on keeping my mind well.

I am.

I usually just restart something if I cant finish it lol.

People say im lazy but I really honestly cant help it. Some days I just don’t wanna do anythng

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I don’t think I’m actually a lazy person, but I’ve certainly been confused and apathetic. We need to look further into other treatment methods than the ones afforded to us known as schizophrenics.

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If there’s a math problem or logic problem that starts to get complex and I have to follow it too closely I just opt out, I’m very mentally lazy. Or maybe I’m dumb, hmmm. Or both. Dumb and lazy.

Yeah it’s the voices that make everthing harder

I think my medications make mind mind mentally lazy. Normally I think I am a hard worker and active person.

I think it has to do with medication and supplements. On certain meds I was very lazy and on certain meds very active.

I don’t feel I am. My work record reflects it- I’d rather work than not.

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I think the term ‘lazy’ gets thrown around a lot by people who don’t understand our afflictions. I’ve been called that before.

I kinda feel like responding with something like…

“Yeah. Well you’re ugly but I’ll be motivated in the morning.”

(Of course I’ve never said that to anyone before…although I’ve wanted to say it to my mother-in-law on a few occasions.)

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Sometimes i want to put the issue into the “to hard busket” but i than i mentally work on it. No, i am not a mental loafer.

It’s hard to keep going, but I am not lazy.

I still work when I can, and work hard.

In my free time I can be pretty lazy, but that’s just because I don’t know what to do with myself at all

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