Are you bitter?

I feel like I may be.

It didn’t cross my mind until recently, when I started really listening to myself when talking to people.

Normally I’m a quiet person who spends a lot of time in their own head—it’s usually just me and my thoughts—so I think I’ve grown accustomed to my own negative mindset.

But when I interact with someone I start to wonder, do I sound too negative? Do I seem bitter?

I think about the way my life has gone and the things that have happened and I have good reasons for feeling that way.

But still. Nobody wants to be bitter.


You don’t seem bitter at all. And I know I’m not too bitter :rofl:

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I don’t think I’m bitter. I try to make the best of a difficult situation. Hard as it may be.

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Im bitten not bitter


I think I can be bitter and definitely was before my first episode.


Thanks! I think I am somewhat and try to mask it because it’s not an appealing personality trait.

You do a good job masking it then :sunglasses:

Which could be a good or a bad thing

But you totally don’t come off as bitter!

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I’m Bitter Pan.


I think I’m on a current trajectory toward becoming a bitter man… I’d throw old man into that but that’s dreaming I’ll make it so far…that far… lol.

I think I’m critical and a middle class white male; it’s not an attractive ‘ball of wax’. I must do better, change course, because like you said: [you], nor I, want to be like that.

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I used to be really bitter on the inside, but never let it show on the outside.

Now with time the bitterness seems to have lost it’s edge.


My mom once said that people in their 60’s become ‘less competitive’.

It reminds me of a lyric from the ‘Sunscreen’ song that came out the year I graduated: i.e.:

‘The race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.’

The ramifications of this talk make me hopeful that I haven’t lost my friends forever… they may revisit the topic of me. This is meant to bring hopefulness to you too, @everhopeful !!


old poem fragment - and if my strength is measured against this wind I’ve grown bitter though strong

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I am angry that I have a sister who is so much more beautiful than me.

physically. whilst i am ugly, I don’t care if someone tells me i look pretty cos i know if i had a bf he would think i am ugly.

it upsets me, a lot.

i think it is what makes me most upset in life.

fear of losing a partner to my sister.

I am bitter that i am ugly, apparently…,

but i try to work with it.

somehow :thinking:

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life is unfair,…,

plus i have this disease which means i can’t just go for any guy i want cos i might relapse


Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are far from ugly. :owl::owl::owl:

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apparently i am, compared to my sister.

it really affects my confidence

i wish i was beautiful from head to toe…,


That’s how I feel sometimes.

Although I wish it could have happened another way.

I guess it gave me a little extra grit though.

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I’m not bitter.

I’ve always believed that the world owes me nothing. Lou Gehrig, the great NY Yankee player, shortly after being diagnosed with what we now call ALS, said: “Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” John McCain, WWII war hero and POW for 5 and a half years (who could have been released after 1 year but decided to continue being tortured on a daily basis because all of his fellow POWs were not also allowed release), said days before he died of brain cancer: “I have not been cheated.”

Schizophrenia has put me through hell, but I say I’ve had a wonderful life. No, I’m not bitter.


I am pretty bitter, but I don’t let it show very often. My bitterness fuels me, oddly enough, lol.

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I’m generally of good cheer unless someone mentions in-laws or immediate family. In my defence, I’ve always believed that one should speak out against true evil.