Are you asocial

I mean like you don’t like to talk a lot with people. I definitely am but I’ve accepted it. It used to drive me nuts but now I am in acceptance of it. It is what it is what it is what it is. I just don’t seem to mind anymore if people think I’m too quiet /unsocial

Is it part of the illness


I’m unsocial. I find mixing with others stressful, that’s the only reason.


im not antisocial just get anxious in social situations and often uncomfortable in public when first interacting with people i dont know


Yes. I am pretty antisocial. I don’t talk to a lot of people. The most socializing I get done, besides with my parents, is on this forum.


Yeah im anti-social better described as non-social. I dont get on very well with the public. I put a facade on in a fake polite way when dealing with cashiers in shops and alike.

Frankly i come across as too strange and in a sense too effiminate. Everyones “love” or “sweetheart” lol. Its probably my paranoia but im better off on my own.

If someone gives me a funny look - i will dwell on it for a couple of hours, so prefer not to put myself in that situation.


When you were younger did you wanna be with people more. Now that your older and wiser maybe you’ve accustomed yourself to independence a lot more. Not to say neither u or me won’t meet somebody some day but if it doesn’t happen it’s ok being alone.

Anyways I think you’re doing a great job. Fighting some battles. Hang in there :sweat_smile:


I’ve been quite asocial from as far back as I can remember . MH services push the ‘social interaction is good for you’ message. I’ve tried to socially interact more,to show willingness, but it’s never worked out well. Last time the other people were happily talking to each other while I got minimal responses. or none at all. To add to that the bloke running the group made a snide comment about my paying for the refreshment I’d had. I didn’t go again…


I can be a good conversationalist; I enjoy banter. But do I always enjoy people? No. I get exhausted by them easily. I especially don’t enjoy a crowd, they present too much potential chaos. I prefer being one on one with people. Sometimes, I prefer no one at all.


I find people pretty exhausting, generally speaking.


I used to love the club, I had lots of friends, I spent lots of time with my family, I went to parties.

But as I got older, I completely changed. I now hate loud places, except for the occasional music concert. No parties. AHH. Get-togethers with family is only OK if it’s every now and then. Parties are a nightmare.

I just like going to the Farmers’ Market or the park, with my husband.

I’m not very social, anymore. It’s too mentally & physically exhausting. I just spend time with hubby cause he knows me better than anyone. He’s my best friend.


I’m pretty social.

I enjoy parties, even if the thought of them makes me nervous.

When I go, I always have a good time and make a new friend.

I’m even better with smaller groups.

That said, I’d prefer to be a lone.

I haven’t worked a real job in years, so I’m at the house all the time with just the dogs.

Gotten very comfortable with that and and would take it over hanging out with most of my friends

But I don’t struggle, when I’m there in the moment,

Most the time.

I think I was overly social in my twenties and taking a step back from that feels normal.


I’m on a social binge right now

I’m hoping I made a friend in town last night. I’ll text the dude later on.


Yep cant stand it

I’m an ambivert. I enjoy socializing in smaller groups and on my own terms, but like an introvert I need time to recharge my energy.

I used to only be able to socialize for a few hours a week, but I trained my endurance and have come to enjoy it.


I’m asocial 5/6 days a week but pretty gregarious 1 or 2 days a week. It helps that I’ve been unusually fortunate with friends.


I’m like this too, it’s nice to have friends, but like ‘one at a time’ please.


I don’t like talking to people. :hatched_chick::hatched_chick::hatched_chick:

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I don’t mind talking to other people. Before the onset of my schizophrenia, I had social anxiety, however.

I don’t have social anxiety, anymore. I just don’t want to date or make friends, right now.

I do grocery shopping.

Often, on the way out one charity or another is wanting to interact with me.

I hate it; it even makes me feel inadequate sometimes.

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I’m definitely an introvert but I enjoy people’s company every now and then.