Are you any good at art
I used to go art classes and tutor told me I had “something”
I love art
Anyone else like art or have any talents
My brother and sister are quite good at art but I am not. I have the ability of a not very talented 5-6 year old.
Same here. If I can draw a stick figure, it’s a good day.
I’m probably the same
My brother is really good at cartoons I told him to sell them but he sent them and didn’t get any response
My idea of a cat is a small blob for the head with a bigger blob for the body.
With four vertical lines? Yeah, me too!
That’s about right. Two for the feet and two for the whiskers.
There are 3 things I should NEVER be allowed to do…cook, paint a wall, or draw. I burn toast, I get paint everywhere, including on the ceiling, and my drawing “skills” are horrendous.
I occasionally burn toast. My worst is letting saucepans boil dry. When it comes to painting walls I leave that up to my youngest step daughter and her two children.
I’m actually not bad at art. I took it in high school and the teacher was a nazi. He’s cool though, just quite rigid in class. I still draw for fun sometimes. I’ve lost my ability to paint still life and such but I can draw the human body fairly well, it crosses with my exercise science interests. I keep a book called “Strength Training Anatomy” on my nightstand and know it pretty well. It has anatomical illustrations of every exercise you can think of.
I’m also a little homosexual.
I have pretty extensive knowledge of Photoshop. Used to do digital artwork and photo mashups but my computer is fried and all I have left is a crappy laptop my mom gave me. I even bought a graphic tablet at some point and was kind of blown away by how this technology works.
Lol !!!
I’m working at cleaning up my studio. When I do it, my art is stained glass and mosaics.
That’s a good hobbie!
I write a lot of poetry. I’ve been in my college’s magazines every semester I attended (and the poems were voted on anonymously [they didn’t know who wrote them]). My professor saw great potential in me so he helped me make a magazine with just my poetry. So I have over 30 poems copyrighted if that means anything. I’m just recently been looking into getting published, but I feel so intimidated and nervous. However, I don’t think I’ll give up. And regardless, I’m going to write poetry the rest of my life.
I use to draw a lot when I was younger, but that talent has sort of left me and I haven’t had the will to pick it back up. I also wrote short stories/flash fiction.
I am an ok writer. I think to be a good writer, you have to be well read. trouble is I cant focus long enough to catch everything. i’d like to train my brain to be more adept at reading. guess only thing to do is to read more.
I have to say, you don’t need talent to be good at something. Practice makes perfect.
My hands simply will not do what I want them to do. I could never paint. I’ve always wished I could paint the beauty of light at night. That really gets me.