Are the voices actually us?

I only get voices inside of my head instead of hearing them out loud. I was reading an article that said the different voices people with schizophrenia hear are actually themselves talking but misinterpret as other ones.

Do you agree with this research? Or is this something thats well known i am just figuring out lol


Our chemical imbalance makes things happen that aren’t really there. Your mind is a powerful thing.

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I don’t really care what they are - my effort goes into ignoring them.

Ive read it could be your subvocal speech (thinking voice) gets misinterpreted as an external voice or voice in your head.


I’ve heard it are the language center and speech center that got messed up. It are the areas of Broca and Wernicke in the brain if I remember correctly.


The source of the voices, whether audible or thought-like definitely comes from ourselves. Usually unconsciously. Not from anything outside of us. Thats my understanding anyway.


I’ve heard it’s what you think. But it must be on a more subconscious level, because the voices have surprised me before many times. Other times, they have said something similar to what I thought about.

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