Are all schizophrenics cured through crispr cas9?

this is a nice thought, i wish it were true

Since its gene editing wouldn’t it only work for those of us who haven’t yet manifested symptoms?

I think its unfortunate so many scientists are afraid of crispr and want to regulate it or emphasize that its use should be limited. I wish those minds were more ravenous to find cures for the very diseases which shorten and distort the lives of humanity.

In other words, people are dying, like right now. I think we ought to be more willing to try and get to the bottom of things.

There is an issue with editing non-dividing cells (i.e. brain cells, etc. - most cells). I don’t believe crispr cas9 can do this but some modified viruses can, or not. There is talk about developing tools for editing non-dividing cells.

I cured my chicken in a Crispr cast iron grill and it was De-lishous

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I think it depends upon whether the disregulated genes continue to impact brain function or if they were responsible for the structural development of the brain and are no longer active in adulthood.

Remember the recent article on DISC1 ?

“We looked at the turnover of DISC1 in the brain and found it was rapidly made and then degraded by brain cells.”

“We thought, if we can stop the natural destruction of DISC1, people with low levels would see it naturally increase.”

Well, in the lab, they were able to do this with a particular inhibitory peptide. That opens up possibilities for a drug, but it also suggests that correcting that gene could also correct that flaw.

For genes that have impacted the structures of the brain, something else would be required, maybe in the further future they will be able to add stem cells to the brain and then apply weak electrical stimulation (this is one way to tell the stem cells where to go, and it has been done in rats). Probably they’d need to correct the gene as well. If you have had the same brain structure since childhood and were OK then, it also seems plausible that you might have relief even without changing the structure of the brain, correcting the bad chemical reaction (for lack of a better term) might help the brain heal and increase connections in vital areas on its own.

All theoretical at this point but I don’t know of any reason why it would be impossible.


I am working with CRISPR Cas9 it’s a great tool to correct or edit gene although it has some problems of off targets and rejection by immune system, it can be bypassed and used to correct the gene causing schizophrenia. But first we need to know what exactly causes schizophrenia. Again this CRISPR Cas9 can be easily used to dissect the genes causing the schizophrenia and can be used to correct it.

I hope one day there is a cure for schizophrenia.