Are 2010 kids going to look back with nostalgia like I did back from the 90s?

I don’t think they will? In the 90s was before the internet for most people, we only had 4 TV channels which everybody watched, Amazing TV programs in the 90s. No online bullying.


It’s not about what child’s of which ever years had, looking back at your childhood gives you memories because you been a child.


Being a child is way much better then being an adult!

Yes. Everything seems to be fantastic, your body weight allows you to jump around and climb, you can eat whatever you want. And everybody is nice to you. And most of all: NO WORK :crazy_face:

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I’ve never worked even at 38, I have a very comfortable lifestyle. I wish I was a kid again.

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I wish it too. I loved my childhood. I’m blessed with a wonderful family with four brothers there was always action

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I loved my childhood also. I found it hard to transition when I was 18.

Bullying was rampant in the 90s. It’s not just now.

At my high school in the early 90s, we had to have cops on campus all the time because the “jocks” started running over the “freaks” with their cars. No joke!

It was in the news and everything. It was totally out of control


You must be from the glory states, I suppose ?

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I was never bullied in school. I could handle myself. I left in 2001. Best time of my life. My life soured when I was 25 years old.

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I’m from Michigan @Matthias

Everyone looks back on their youth with nostalgia, even me, and I hated most of it. I do miss browsing in video stores and when gasoline was affordable. Sitting on the side of a highway at night with the T-tops out of the Trans Am watching the stars and listening to Foreigner on cassette.



I can travel abroad a lot now and financially afford and I have a good life. Its not the same as when I was a kid though.


Being an adult freed me from the conflict of various authorities I came into contact with

I actually got my ■■■■ together at 18/19

The years before that were just awful


Yeah, now I’m not living in poverty or being abused.


Yeah I lived with a very abusive man as a child, so part of the reason I’m happy now despite being disabled is that I simply don’t have to live with him anymore.

In regards to the original question, probably, but I think 90s kids have the most powerful type of nostalgia… as it was the time during advanced technology but before the internet, so if you were in your formative years then you basically threaded a million year needle. It was the perfect time to be alive and it will never happen again.

And if someone was 30 in the 90s, I imagine they’d still get nostalgic for it today even though it wasn’t their childhood. It was just a great time.

I don’t know. I sometimes think back to my childhood in the 90’s since I was born in 1990. I had a mostly good childhood except for some minor bullying but it didn’t bother me when I was a kid. I was happy with my life and never worried about the future. Life was good.

I was born in 86 so grew up in the 90’s and early 00’s. I started skateboarding when it really started taking off, started street racing around the time fast and the furious was big, played counter strike 1.6 competitively when it was big. Fun times. Rode a lot of waves it seems.

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