Tonight we watched Infested (2023 French film) and I fell asleep. It was neither scary nor funny to me. Do I have terrible taste in movies?!?! I just find the horror movies we’ve watched recently to be too predictable. I like it when they scare me.
No, there’s nothing wrong with your taste. We all like what we like.
A lot of modern horror movies have become pretty predictable.
But I love all kinds of horror movies. Like even Z grade ones where you can tell they put paint on the zombie’s faces.
lol! At least the ones where you see the paint are supposed to be funny anywhere, or at least that’s the impression I get
Oh yeah. I kind of miss that era in horror where everyone was just trying to kind of have a fun time.
I think that’s one of the pitfalls of so many modern horror movies. I feel after “Hereditary” came out everyone is just trying to top that, or make another possession movie with a little kid or something.
There are some people out there though who are still making the fun ones. You just gotta dig a little deep. Tubi TV is a free app and a really good resource for free movies.
I highly recommend “Redneck Zombies.”
I’ll have to look for redneck zombies. That sounds funny @Montezuma
Oh it’s hilarious!
You can tell they just had a blast making it. And the director went on to do special effects make-up for Troma Film Studios!
I loved horror movies earlier in life.
Youre right though,the genre has gone so far downhill.
To be honest thought I don’t enjoy movies much at all anymore more into music/YouTube/social media
lately i cant even stay on the couch long enough to watch a movie or show with family. either have to head to my room to lay down and come back or figure i could do something more engaging than watching a movie, like video games
French films generally have slower pacing than ours. At least they used to, no idea if things have changed in the last 10 years!
I think the only foreign horror movies I’ve seen are Japanese ones. Specifically one about a giant evil bunny that was pretty good.
I looked it up, it’s called “Tormented.”
Here’s another real fun one. I thought Nicolas Cage was hilarious in it, and there’s not much gore or violence.
A hate horror movies lol I only watch comedies really
Why would you pay to be scared?
It’s fun! Lol!!! 15151515
No, it just wasn’t a very good film. I also keep falling asleep while watching The Marvels, which is even worse. Haven’t been able to finish that one yet.
I have to have already seen the horror movie if I can watch it…namely. “halloween one”, “the matrix” (I think it’s scary because it’s so close to my delusions), not many other horror movies I watch.
Lol yea with other people I guess
The genre gets old it’s all the same stuff.
Watch John Carpenters The Thing (1982)
With a few energy drinks for focus
Entertaining and freaky
Horror movies are the best
That’s funny cus most horrors nowadays are basically comedies lol
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