Are you female?
I’m female 15151515
I’m eating sunflower seeds. I’m doing ok at the moment, my mom just called and went on about polotics.
What country are u living in? How’s your health?
i live in the United States, though sometimes I get delusions I’m somewhere else. I have sza and a skin disorder.
Do you have negative symptoms?
Yeah, stuff like depression, disorganized thinking, isolation, memory problems.
Do you have sz and for how long?
Yeah I’m schizophrenic. Had my first breakdown in 2011.
Did you get put on Social security or you work?
I don’t work. You?
no, I’m on social security and have been a long time.
Me to. How long have you been I’ll for?
I feel like I’ve been ill my whole life, but was diagnosed back in 96, I’m 46 now.
Right. What’s your symptoms?
Are you male or female?
Religious delusions, voices, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, isolation; I’m male.
Do you have trouble focusing and washing?
Yeah lots of trouble focusing on the present moment; and I could probably shower and clean better
Right what do u think are the chances of recovery?