Anyone use Medical Marijuana or CBD oil for psychosis?

How about the entourage effect of different Cannibinoids increasing the potency of the CBD? I’m wondering if the dose required decreases in CBD oil that includes other cannibinoids…

i do not have this condition. I take care of someone who does. She refuses all inputs and after 4 years, i am going to end this probono effort. On cannabis she becomes much worse for days.

That said i have tons of issues with pain. I have tried sublingual CBD or cannabidiol and in my opinion it is not very effective when put in mouth.

HOWEVER, smoked CBD based cannabis is very effective for me and takes effect in seconds. It is for me a very mood conditioner. It adds to my already decent mood. It helps me with pain and Restless Leg Syndrome which i also have but for that, you get about 60 minutes relief.

I use very little because of the cost. But it is effective for me. IMPORTANT, the THC count in the cannabis should for sure be UNDER 1%. Ideally, the CBD should be around 13% which is what i use. You will not get high BUT if you have schizophrenia, i am not sure what risks are with even that small amount of THC.

I have read that trials have shown some benefits. Honestly i think CBD in 10 years will be in widespread use because of the beneficial effects it has to mood.

I hope this helps.


Can you share the source from where you buy?

In my experience it didnt start working until after 2 days. Also molecular cbd is different than natural synergistic cannabinoids. A dose of synthetic cbd at 300 mg is probably equal to a much smaller amt of regular cannabinoids since they work in synergy.

I believe the dixie dew drops work. I got the larger bottle and was taking half dropper twice a day. Didnt do anything for a few days then I noticed wasnt hearing stuff…

I ran out 5 days ago and things are getting worse.

I hope that I in the future can go to the Netherlands and get medical marijuana prescription because then I can use it in my own country, due to inner market legislation in the European Union. I know there are low THC high CBD strains to be had, but they are mainly for epilepsy. SO getting it can become a challenge, but maybe not impossible.


I have schizophrenia and I’m curious about the same thing. Were you able to try it and see if it worked for you? The main question that I have is how much would you need to smoke to make it work. Please let me know if you’ve found any more info. Thanks!

CBD’s chemical structure has a striking resemblance to THC; but as you may know from experience- just because two keys appear to be almost the same, they open different locks because of the subtle differences they have. Without getting into the complete scientific explanation of everything that happens in the brain when each or both of these chemicals are introduced into the body, there are some things to be said about why CBD helps schizophrenia.

First, science still has not been able to definitively determine everything that occurs in the brain and exactly why in regards to schizophrenia. The most recently accepted mode of action that allows CBD to help schizophrenia is through its ability to stabilize NMDA pathways, but, with that being said, there could be more to it than that. CBD has weak antagonist properties on CB1,2 and GPR55 but as an agonist with 5HT2A. So, it slightly counteracts THC, can serve as an anti-depressant, and is medicinally beneficial in a myriad of ailments (too many to list, actually). has numerous documents indicating that CBD can thwart psychosis that is drug induced; albeit indicating therapeutic dosages in the hundreds+mg/day(causing treatment with CBD at today’s prices to be staggeringly expensive). I suffer from paranoid schizophrena and have only measurable relief from one anti-psychotic(risperidone) and despite it being the most helpful, it was far from alleviating enough of my symptoms to be able to function. Upon testing how to best use CBD to manage symptoms in my unique situation, I found it to be therapeutic at a minimum of 2-3mg/day. It seems to take a few days to a week to see its full potential (maybe taking more in the beginning would alter that- I do not know), but even after my first dose I experienced noticeable relief in less than 15 minutes that lasted for hours. As far as dosing goes, it was a bit of a struggle to figure out the best dosage and frequency for myself, but minimum effective dose was the goal especially with current CBD prices in mind.

They have CBD oil in droppers and pump bottles, they have high potency CBD options, they have CBD gum, there is the option of CBD-juice for E-Cigarettes, and even CBD patches. Treatment with CBD is seemingly limitless and the primary limiting factor that I’ve seen would have to be the price. Just be mindful of the potential of drug interactions and do your homework!- There’s no excuse for ignorance, especially when the device you’re using to read and reply to this grants you access to a bottomless pit of information.

Oh, one last bit of information- some studies I’ve read suggest that some schizophrenics benefit from CBD more than others. I wish you all the best in recovery and hope that any failures in your recovery open your eyes to the possibility of success.


It seems like the long term sale of CBD oil is likely not going to continue as it has (even though right now, given its high price, it isn’t likely that anyone is taking it at the required levels to be helpful for schizophrenia).

"The FDA’s… answer related to whether cannabidiol (“CBD”), a non-narcotic extract of industrial hemp, can be marketed as a dietary supplement, a position that was unclear following a set of warning letters FDA released in February 2015. FDA’s current response, pasted below, is both unqualified and possibly open to review.

“No. Based on available evidence, FDA has concluded that cannabidiol products are excluded from the dietary supplement definition under section 201(ff)(3)(B)(ii) of the FD&C Act. Under that provision, if a substance (such as cannabidiol) has been authorized for investigation as a new drug (an IND was filed in 2014 relative to a CBD-based epilepsy drug) for which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted and for which the existence of such investigations has been made public, then products containing that substance are outside the definition of a dietary supplement. There is an exception if the substance was “marketed as” a dietary supplement or as a conventional food before the new drug investigations were authorized; however, based on available evidence, FDA has concluded that this is not the case for cannabidiol.”


CBD oil was not effective in treating my symptoms. I tried it and although it provided temporary relief from anxiety and may benefit in preventing seizure or epilepsy when withdrawing from anti-psychotics I found it didn’t treat the psychosis or mania effectively, though I hadn’t taken it for very long, it made me feel loopy without the medication if I were trying to treat psychosis I don’t think it would have worked.

I’ve been under the impression that it is legal in all 50 states in the US, but that it is not approved by the FDA yet for the treatment of conditions. Most people have claimed it is the most beneficial for seizures.

cbd seems unable to do something with psychosis … lot of news about cbd…on internet…

How much (of the actual CBD active ingredient, not just the mg of oil) did you take a day, and for how long?

I think the therapeutic dose is quite high and very expensive at that level. The therapeutic dose seems to be around 1280 mg/day. You can do the calculations - but I think that works out to over $100/day at the current CBD oil price levels - too high for most people I think.

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I ordered Hemp CBD Oil from Bluebird Botanicals online. It reads 1 fl oz. and 250mg Cannabidiol and only recommends 12 drops of the dropper fluid per dose. It cost about $50 for the CBD oil. I took the recommended dose 2-3 times a day, so it probably was not enough of an effective dose to see results.

I would prefer to get this in a prescription trial setting than ordering it online. It helps a good deal with anxiety and nervousness though, and someone on the website reviewed that it helped with Grand Mal Seizures.

I am continuing to take my prescription anti-psychotic medication which has been the most helpful so far for me.

If you want to try cbd oil for psychosis ,try charlote’s web oil from [link removed].It’s made from charlote’s web strain so you have 100% sure that this is real product,take 500 mg of this in one dose and if it doesn’t work than you can make sceptical opinions about CBD treatment on schizophrenia.
Before you start CBD trial ,stop taking your current meds cuz they might block full potential of CBD.
I hope it will work on you as it did on me.

I have a cbd oil tenture w/ a medicinal card. I only take it on occasions though. I’m kinda afraid if I over do it i’ll get hospitalized (I know that sounds horrible but it’s true). I used to smoke weed but it triggers psychotic symptoms for me.

This seems like a really bad idea. I think CBD is a complimentary approach - it works WITH your existing medications. Though - I’m sure this is an area where more research needs to be done (if any has been done at all as yet).


You have to risk it ,to get a biscuit.

I read they found CBD in flaxseeds.

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Did in me, as well. My brain was not equipped to handle it. I see others who can, but no sz pts I know or even know of.

That’s interesting. Depakote valproix is widely rx’d for bipolar mania (because it is cheap). Never heard of it being rx’d for sz.

Cbd works for kid with epilepsy? Would you post the reference I genuinely want to read that one.