It seems to me they…I don’t know what word to use. I guess mess with my life, but mess isn’t the right word. Maybe at work in my life is the best way to put. It troubles me when they do something to convince me that they are there. I’m talking about those strange coincidences that they cause to either help or thwart you. It’s my Unusual Beliefs that these supernatural beings are really there. I just wish they wouldn’t rock the boat. They do this when you forget that they are there just to remind you.
I’m saying supernatural beings because you can’t see hear or physically touch them.
Hi @Om_Sadasiva , how are you today. I am going home by bus, right now. Worked 5 day. So Saturday and Sunday at home. May reach in home after two hours. This weak i came to site on Sunday. So i am returning on Thursday.
@Turtle44 , you are good looking on your selfie. I like you and felt sorry that you are suffering from such a horrible disease. My advice is don’t miss your medicine, any how. Because Schizophrenia is not like as it is researching by scientists. (It is all supernatural beings, but not any evidence.)
@Om_Sadasiva , i am happy today. I received ₹140 thousand extra money after 6 months. Will give to my wife. 6 months because I was transferred to other site by my department.
i used to think so. believed in ghosts for a while. went to a cemetery at night to try and meet one. alone and stoned at 23. i don’t know anymore if i believe. there’s some wierd ■■■■ going on with humanity though. alien intervention?
I don’t like the direction of many of the posts in this thread, aliens, religious beliefs, etc. I’m going to close. @anon54988740 if you want to open another thread where you ask how you can overcome or cope with these beliefs, I have no objection, but this thread is heading sideways a bit.