Anyone think its low class to wear pajamas shopping?

Pajama pants, slippers and Teeshirt / sometimes jacket. I’ve done this before, not a lot but occasionally. I don’t care but is it classless?


I’ve never have done that, but I would think it’s odd if I would see that. I would think someone wearing pyjamas in public either doesn’t care at all about what others think or has mental health issues.


@Jonathan2 Hmmm. I think its both for me. I try to avoid people when out. Don’t even look at people.

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I had a couple of years I had an angry stare in my eyes that I couldn’t get rid off. I would wear sunglasses in public so people wouldn’t see.
Luckily I don’t have that anymore.
I think you also will get better and feel like connecting again.

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It may look funny.

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I kinda understand that. I have problems looking at people in the eye. I like the sunglasses idea.
But staying in so much now. I guess I should consider clothes that i can wear and home and just walk out in.

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Sweatpants is an upgraded version of pyjamas :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yeah, they’re kinda expensive but I can see myself wearing them to sleep. That’s a really good idea. I really don’t care about looking good. Being less noticeable is good.

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Really hate uncomfortable clothes, like itchy or stiff fabric. I gained so much weight might as well buy some new clothes that i can wear to sleep, lounge and go out if its ever safe again. Noticed oversized clothes is a thing.

Yeah I now will wear sweatpants but around the house and on my property.


Ive seen more women wearing pajamas shopping than men. But one time i saw a guy wearing a bathrobe.


When I’d see people wearing pjs in public it used to get on my nerves but who am I to judge another human being?

I’ve worn them to the gas station to fill up (just the bottoms, I wear shoes, t-shirt and jacket), but I’ve never worn them to a store or mall or something.

When I was a cashier, this girl used to come in once a week to buy a plant. She was in stained pajamas, with very messy matted hair. Her pet poodle (we allowed pets in our store) was always immaculately groomed and looking radiant. I don’t know much about her, but I had a lot of respect for her because I kind of imagined she had a lot of difficulty with hygiene tasks, and put all her effort into making sure her dog was taken care of. She was super polite, but quiet.


Maybe she was suffering from depression. Poor thing


I notice you mentioned you want pants you can sleep in as well as wear in a store.

Why not just put on regular clothes to go outside, and then out the pajamas back on when you get home?
It doesn’t take long to change your pants.

I’m literally a bug in the grass tier part of society who am I to judge.

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I’ve always been a jeans person but now I’ve started wearing the sports joggers a bit

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Because I’m a bigger lady I wear sweat pants. They’re nice kind like dress up pants but that’s what I wear


I’ve never owned pajamas in my life. I sleep either in my clothes or in my underpants.

Separate clothes just for sleeping? What am I, a millionaire? LoL :face_with_monocle: