Anyone know if they are undermethylated or overmethylated or pylloric and if so are you taking vitamins and or foods with those vitamins.
i take centrum multivitamins vitamints because i cant swallow the regular kind
just started, not sure if they do anything, but my doctor told me to take them instead of sarcosine when i asked him about it
I started on B vitamins and fish oil a few ears ago. They were recommended. But they can be costly and I haven’t kept up consistently. Also probiotics… Need to get back on those.
When I get some more cash to conveniently spend im goin for,
apple cider venigar with the “mother”,
Ceylon cinnamon,
High leafy green diet with chicken,
Low sugar to no sugar or additives,
Coconut oil,
Probiotics via sauerkraut,
And vitamins for undermethylation.
And maybe some ginki biblioa that I hear so much about.
Probiotics are good definately.
Hmm sarcosine, I havent looked to much into that.
I am undermethylation and pyroluric. I take SAM-e, vitamin C, B, E, selenium, zinc, biotin, P-5-P. It works for pyroluria because my depression iš not so severe, but I need to wait longer to see full effect on undermethylation. Now I am having mood swings and that’s how SAM-e is doing it’s job. Still better than that severe depression before. Full effect of SAM-e will be noticable after 3 to 9 months and it’s the 2nd month I’m taking SAM-e.
Good luck with vitamins!
Zombie thread, also, Googling this I am unsure if these even are real diseases.