How do you manage?
Thinking about my future - I have lots of anxiety/paranoia, panic disorder. agoraphobia and live with a severe form of bipolar disorder.
Always lived with folks or my ex wife, when married.
I have a hard time being alone or living with others - strangers or other family members.
Maybe I will get used to living by myself?
I heard that people living with a severe mental illness, dont do too well with too much isolation.
My brother is my trustee and will manage my finances - but my therapist wants me to have a serious discussion with him about my future. Have been a bundle of nerves lately - think it has triggered my rapid mood shifts
When I used to live alone I didn’t do much but nap, eat, listen to music and look out the window. I don’t do well alone. Isolation isn’t good for most but I learned to like it. I’ve always been outgoing though so when I wanted company I went out and found it. good luck.
That’s plenty for me, especially look out the window. I live alone but have always been a loner back when I lived with my parents. Having a few family members around helps keep me from being socially immobilized.
Lists seem to work great.
My list would start with someone self disciplined.
At work, I notice folks give a lot at the beginning of their employment but will slack off and show their true colors when they realize what policies are more regulated than others. These folks are difficult for me to work with. (The ones that really take advantage of the lack of oversight.) I can see this happening with a potential roommate.
For a roommate, I want someone who will honor a customized relationship.
This is where social networks come in handy.
I have lived alone for nearly 10 years. I do very little-internet/tv/eat/drink/sleep and hardly see anyone. I cope to a degree but not at a particularly high level. The proverbial would really hit the bucket if anything practical needed doing and no help was readily available(which it isn’t).
My parents kind of kicked me out. Made me live in a sober home (they paid for) for 8 months but I just got an apartment based off disability and working. I slept there the first night last night. All the utilities and move in were finished today. I’m transitioning out of the sober home into my new apartment where I’ll be living alone. It’s pretty cool but I miss my home in the woods…especially in the summer time going for walks. Damn I’m gonna miss it. But the apt is nice so it’s cool.
I am going to move to a place where I will have a roommate. It will be hard again. My last roommate situation sparked a lot of paranoia. I have to do this if I want to graduate though.
Some activities - class, gym, etc if you already aren’t doing them are good to establish.
I was raised an only child, so I’m just thinking maybe living alone although I have not tried it, since I do not really know how to make money. But if I could have a plan I predict I would not be lonely.
I now live alone at an apartmemt, but used to live with my mother at her house.
I was feeling really unstable living with my mother, but as soon as I started living alone, I began to feel stable.
I think I’m better at being alone than being/living with someoen else. But of course, too much isoation isn’t good for mental health, so I always try to have a place or two to go regularly. I think that’s enough for me to have a balance between a time alone and a time with ppl.
I somehow manage everything I need to do, from money to cooking to washing clothes, etc.
There might be better/more convenient ways to do these, so I sometimes find time to think about it.
I live alone. For the most part it’s okay. I don’t have transportation so I rely on my Aunt or the bus. I see the therapist right now twice a week while the insurance pays for it. I see the pdoc one or two times a month depending on symptoms. I go grocery shopping once a month with my Aunt. Other than that I am home. In the spring, summer, and fall I walk to church, I don’t go in the winter it’s too cold to walk that far. I clean, then eat, drink coffee, watch tv, journal, work on my crafts, walk the hall of my complex, get the mail, eat lunch, craft, tv, nap, Internet ,dinner, tv, Internet , bed. Not much of a life but it keeps me busy.
Wow, I just got off of the phone with my brother - He really surprised me.
We had a long discussion about my living arrangements and my future - He thinks that I could manage to live in the house by myself - He said that I can visit him everyday if I wanted to. He said that he will be there for me - He has more faith in me than I do! I have never seen this side of him before - He sounded really supportive and sounded liked He actually cared.
I feel a lot better about the whole thing now - Man, I hate change, but sometimes I just have to face it.
He has issues of his own, but He really managed to surprise me for sure
I know you can! You may really like it. if you need company, you can always call someone, or go out.
So glad your brother is being supportive…
I live alone in a studio apartment except for my beloved feline who is ignoring me again and hiding under my bed. I just started to live alone again after living with my mother for about a year. I did this after my father passed away. It did not work out at all. I told my mother the only thing we had in common is blood and she helped to cause me to see a therapist. I also inside my head started to call her a name. She will never know that. Finally, I wanted a cat again. My cat had passed away a few months earlier. She sees cats as she sees snakes. Before that, I lived alone in a one bedroom apartment for about ten years. Previously, my sister and I were the best of friends and roommates; but, passed away from Hodgkin’s Disease. She was the very best roommate I ever had. Although, we did have our disagreements and arguments. We lived several different places together and moved together several times-even across the country. I miss her; but, in my situation now; I do prefer to live alone. I get lonely; but, that disappears. My biggest problem in living alone is house cleaning. I do proscratinate. When, she was alive; she did keep in line on that one. Still, I am happier (that is a relative term) living alone with only my beloved cat. I have no one to complain this is my refrigerator, my kitchen, my satellite tv, etc. With my sister we shared everything! When, I lived with my mother, it was my, my,my! She’s 80 years old and lives alone in a townhome. For her age, she does alright. Our personalities just clash so terribly. It never did work and it was no good for me. Whatever possessed to do that I will never know. I shall stay living alone.
I’ve lived alone for many years . . .
I’ve been living alone in this studio apartment since 2008. I like living alone. I talk to my family a lot on the phone, I take walks around the complex; walks around the neighborhood. There’s several fast food joints nearby and I drive thru them a lot. I go to a nearby park. I’m friendly with a few of my neighbors. I have problems with a few. I take drives.
I lived in my parents’ house for a year after they were both gone. It was too much for me to care fore + I wanted to be closer to activities than in the suburbs. I moved into a retirement home that also took disabled people.
I pretty much lived my own life but there were people around me everyday. On the elevator, etc. They provided meals, though at times the food was pretty bad. There were people there I could have made friends with though I chose not to.
I could have stayed there but decided to escape while I could. I moved to an apartment + another move and now I’m in a pretty comfortable place.
I think there is living alone and there is living alone. . The difference is in the ability to call on company when needed. With the former you can enjoy your own space when necessary but are only a phone call away from having company when the desire arises.
It’s when you have no choice or your choices are limited that living alone can be a problem.
I at one and the same time want to interact with others and yet feel highly uncomfortable and anxious when people get too close. I think it doesn’t help that knowing how to react to certain situations doesn’t come naturally to me. Also I have a long time nervousness about people, and expectation of negative reactions building up if people get too close to me, due to past bullying.
I guess I’m a “fearful paranoiac” a type not well recognised,although I think there are plenty of us out there,especially in psychiatric literature.
Psychiatric depictions of paranoid people tend to focus very narrowly on the aggressive and the belligerent. It is certainly one area where psychiatrists should do much better .
My step daughter keeps trying to persuade me to move to Wiltshire to be near her and her daughters. If I wasn’t such an anxious and fearful person I would consider it. I don’t know whether it’s an aspergic like trait but the thought of moving from where I live terrifies me, despite the loneliness.
Also because of my poor organisational/practical skills I would find the logistics of moving very difficult. I would also have to learn to navigate myself around a new area which would also be very difficult for me.
Contrary to the myopic focus of mainstream psychiatry, difficulties,and challenges, especially due to co- morbid problems can stretch beyond acute crisis scenarios.
I also would be worried about finding a council place if I moved. A council exchange from a high rise would not be easy. Given the current climate moving to private,rented accommodation would be a precarious move. Even if I got on the council list after moving there, which would take time as I’m a single adult male with no dependants, any place offered would likely be a bedsit.
I’ve lived alone for many years. Even now I live in a sort of a group home where I have my own large room with en suite bathroom. Most of the tenants are old people. I get along with about three people. I get lunch and my washing gets done once a week and my room get cleaned once a week. In my room I have a fridge, a microwave, a television and my laptop. I’ve been living here for the past two years. I like it here since its too difficult for me to cook and do laundry. My dad wants me to move and to get my own apartment. I’m just not up to that at the moment.