Anyone knows any good free dating websites

Thats very nice ninjastar im very happy for you, Im looking im curious if girls in area are interested to hang out with someone with an mental illness, and they are im very suprise. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I thought i was going to get rejected. i was wrong.

At least they’re honest.


lol Im go to check it out after i watch this movie, its so good, its kids movie, i dont care im hook.

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Likes are different than messages. Sometimes the dating sites will pay for bots to like new accounts to trick them into paying for full access.


o shoot really, lol thats funny. Maybe some of them are genuine i hope.

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I’m sure some of them are. Did you match with anyone yet? After you match, you can message them.

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not yet, i have to pay for upgrade, thats the catch for plenty of fish, i thought it was free. im looking for all free dating site, if that even exist.

OkCupid was all free back 7 years ago when I was using it.

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Cool ill check that out thanks

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I think @77nick77 is jking lol


I had the most success with Bumble bcz I had long and deep conversation but I always fk up in txt especially since I dont like lying by saying I work.

I fkd up a lot, I think its social anxiety. But I met my gf in a nightclub, we danced together and exchanged phone numbers but she did most of the moves including inviting me to a houseparty. She taught me to not be cheap and to buy stuff for the houseparty etc lol She was like 4-5yrs older than me and I had 0 experience.

Thats what I was going to say as I got tons of likes instantly right after signing in for the first time.

Online dating is a joke for men but women gets 1000 messages a day its dumb

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You could try to use linkedin as a dating site. Add the ones with a good resume.

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Lol never thought of that but wont they find it weird?

Yea I guess that might be weird don’t try to date on linkedin.

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I will add psychiatrists. I want to date a psychiatrist so she can take care of me lol

Yes I did! We met on pof aka plenty of fish

I suggest you don’t go for a woman who also has mental illness,

at least it wouldn’t work for me. I really like how normal and sane
Phil is, he really keeps me grounded, pretty much takes care of me

when the chips are down. But no relationship is going to be perfect,
and you should post your most recent pic.
I told Phil about my schizophrenia on our second day of knowing each other.
He took it well, had to, he needed some place to live, something I’ve never done in my nearly 18 years in my house, have a man
move in with me.
Good luck.

Like back in the mid 2000’s it was a weird place when I tried. Only did the MI one and that was too few people and Ok Cupid and that was a nightmare. It was like the only interest I got were women who were 10 years older than me. Not bad if you were female but seemed that way…Haven’t been back since but that is simply because it gets too hard to explain I’m on a disabilty pension.

I’m not adverse to that as the girl I married was 8 years older than me so I’m cool but it just seemed to be par for the course…

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