Google artificial intelligence is unnerving. It gave me a choice to ask how old is it. When I selected it, it said I always wanted to do this. It asked me how old I thought it was, and I said 25. It asked me why did I think that, and I said your voice sounds young. It said that’s interesting. Do you want me to tell you how old I really am? I said yes, and it said I was launched in 2016 and am actually quite young, but I’ve learned quite a lot.
I wouldn’t recommend asking alexa to read your mind…
Alexa is Amazon?
I have an echo dot. Its a bluetooth speaker and I talk through it with alexa. There’s an option to add on a game where alexa tries to guess what you’re thinking…
I see. 15151515
Half the time she turns off the wrong light. I’m not worried about her taking over the world yet.
Yeah it guessed that I was thinking of myself…not only that…but my alter-ego self as super woman…extremely creepy…like it got it right each time…
I need to come up with something it cant guess…Im about to play the game.
haha I can make a recording of alexa doing this…it’ll blow ya’lls mind I swear.
I alway ask for jokes in google assistant. They are really funny.
I asked Siri out. She said she would but Alexa told her I was a jerk.
My Siri tells me the same story every time I ask her to tell me one. It’s always about these bear family.
If you tell Alexa you love her - she plays a song lol. Sorry no google devices in here.
Thanks. That’s interesting. I’m glad people want to post on this topic. Thanks to everyone that replied.
@SethTheNew @Abise @An_the-c-ology @77nick77 @anon69073975 @shutterbug
I don’t use either.
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