Anyone got any tips on how to occupy your time when you have a concentration problem?

Tv and movies are a no goer.

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I vote Audiobooks !


Good idea! 151515


I used to masturbate until I took aps.

Kinda sucks. I’ve learned to enjoy boredom. I try find stupid things to keep my occupied but my concentration level is so bad it only lasts 40 seconds.

Those online games seem to be fun though.

Sorry I didn’t see he no tv part


I like to rearrange things, maybe dust too, or pick an item and clean it.
Looking out the front windows helps, the new neighbors kids bounced their baseball off the other neighbors car while playing in the street.

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This place has been great for me. If you don’t suffer from paranoia, chatting to people online could be fun.

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For sure. I spend a lot of time here too!

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Single player games, walks, comics & mangas.


"Anyone got any tips on how to occupy your time when you have a concentration problem?"
daydreaming works for me


I have a short attention span.
I have found I cannot read entire books, so I read news articles that are brief.
I cannot sit through entire movies, so I watch short, 5 or 10 minute youtube videos…
I take short walks while listening to music.
I have been trying to learn how to program in android studio, so I’ll sit still for about 20 minutes, work, and then jump off to go do something else. I’ve found that keeping things short per task helps with getting things done over time.
I just bought a fidget cube and I’m lovin’ it! I sat through a boring 15 minute youtube video on programming while pushing buttons, it works pretty good!

Play Video games

I just tend to sleep constantly when my focus goes down the drain. Antidepressants helped a lot. I remember when I was on an AP it made my attention issues really severe though. Not sure why.