I am one of the few folk who rated the 80s David lynch version.
But on paper this movie should rock
I am one of the few folk who rated the 80s David lynch version.
But on paper this movie should rock
I’m a fan of dune. I didn’t know there was a new movie coming out. I found this trailer. It looks good.
Yeah big dune the book fan. There were some likeable things of the Lynch version but those sonic shout weapons were terrible haha. I hope it’s more akin to the book. That would be sweet.
Yeah the sound ‘weirding’ modules were totally lame lol
I was fascinated with the weirding modules. I thought they were great !
I thought the 80s stilgar casting was spot on. He was exactly how I thought of him in the book.
I hope this movie makes the audience appreciate how deadly the bene gesserit sisters are when it come to combat - paul too by extension. I don’t think lynch got that across
For the dune heads out there.
man, I can’t wait…do you know my library doesn’t carry Dune? or any of the other Dune books…!! I am so bummed about that.
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