Anyone excited about Nuplazid (Pimavanserin)?

It looks like it could have less side effects than Iti-007 and could be availible sooner. It operates as an inverse agonist at 5ht2a same receptor responsible for clozapine effectiveness.

Not really. From Wikipedia:

Why not? It says it has met its expectations in both trials. It is going to be tested in the third trial as a mono therapy as it did so well alongside half dose a regular antipsychotic

It’s just an add on to your existing anti-psychotic.

The phase 3 trial is as a monotherapy that’s why it worked so well in phase 2 trials. And besides why not wanna take half Iti-007

Phase 3 mono therapy was for Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis (PDP) not schizophrenia.

Yeah but it notes on their website Pimavanserin will be explored as a monotherapy for schizophrenia. Taking 2mg of risperdal was like taking 6mg so they decided to try it as a monotherapy in third clinical trials. Wikipedia is old.



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I stand corrected!

Edit: it’s not in phase 3 yet though, so a long way off yet.

But it will become availible for Parkinson’s disease way before that. I might try it off label if things seem to be going good. They already have applied for their application. It will become availible to try before Iti-007

Phase 3 is for discovering the correct dosage, don’t play Russian roulette. Let the experts figure out the correct dosage.


Looks interesting - lets track it and see where it goes. Its way to early to get overly excited about it - but it seems interesting…

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The review date is in May 1,2016 so only a month away.

Looks promising, but makes me sad that it will most likely never see the light of day in my country.

What makes you say that? What country are you from?

new zealand, there is strict funding guild lines so it may never release here. There is some AP that america has that never came out here.

Sorry to hear that. I’m sure a copycat will eventually come out if they find the pathway it’s been found once it’s been found and lots of copycats start coming out