Anyone else obese?

I think I’m obese.
Hate to say it but it’s true.
Don’t like using that word but I feel it describes me unfortunately.

I am constantly hungry and am constantly stuffing my face with unhealthy foods.

I have to bring this up with my psychiatrist because I know that both the Risperdal and Depakote are big factors in all of this.

It’s a matter of life and death.
I don’t want to die of a massive heart attack or stroke.

I don’t have the energy to excercise but I’m trying to be a bit more active.


I’m considered morbidly obese. The meds put on so much weight and make it hard to diet. Im in weight watchers though and trying. :sun_with_face:

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me to m.obese…

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I’m not obese yet, but I’m gaining weight quickly on the risperidone. I tried to fight it in the beginning, but it just got too hard. It feels like a losing battle.

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That’s great that your trying @SunGirl!
I need to be more motivated but it’s very difficult right now.

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I’m considered obese but have not given up with stopping binge eating. It’s the toughest thing to do but I don’t want to catch horrible diseases prematurely.

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I’m about 60 - 70 lbs overweight. It’s all concentrated on my stomach, right where it puts the most strain on my lower back. It seems like the med’s increase your appetite a little, and slow your metabolism a little, so that you put on tons of weight. The combination is deadly. I really need to lose some weight.

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I’m medically obese at 164 lbs (which does not sound obese but is when you’re 4’11).

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I like weight watchers. The meetings help with the motivation and there are 200 free foods that you don’t count. :sun_with_face:

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My therapist said I can do weight watchers online.
I may pay the fees and try it.

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Well my bmi says I am. But ■■■■ em. I’m not apologizing for ■■■■. I’m sorry @Vertigo

Meds and ■■■■. We can’t win either way. Sorry.

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Think about going to the meetings. You get a lot of support and walk out like yeah I can do this. :sun_with_face:

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I’m 235 and 5’10" (male). I was 256 but I do 10k steps a day religiously and eat nothing but fish and veggies, etc. There’s no escaping it, the meds (seroquel, abilify et al) have done a number on me.

My sympathies are with those in the struggle with me; it’s really not fair.


I wound’t call myself obese yet, but I’m kind of overweight.
I do worry that I’ll most likely get diabetes, and people around me seem concerned that I might get clots or heart problems down the road.

It’s just so hard to lose weight. I’m not motivated to exercise, and it’s hard to control my food intake.
I don’t want to have to do a lot of changes, and it feels unfair that my sisters are able to stay thin without much effort.

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i was obese at one point (250 pounds and 5 '11") but ive lost enough now that im just overweight rather than obese. trying to get down to a healthy non overweight level, though

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I got called a fat whore last night while I was hiding from a thunderstorm. Make some sense out of that lol.


I’m sorry @roxanna.

No I thought it was funny. Pay me no attention I get cussed at a lot.

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My brother called me a potato the other day.


:grin: 155151515151515

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