Anyone else have/had a terrible psychiatrist?

I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist for the the past month at this intensive outpatient program and he still has not idea what is wrong with me.


(( raises hand ))

With the exception of a couple, the ones I’ve seen in the past have all pretty much sucked. I’ve been assigned a new one at the va though. ** Fingers crossed ** that he’s a good one.

My psychiatrist just writes my scripts and really she doesn’t even do that. She has the girl who photocopies them and makes my next appointment do it.

She doesn’t know anything about me. But I get my meds.

There are so many garbage psychiatrists. How can you be a psychiatrist and treat someone’s symptoms but do not know what they have.

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That’s really sad

Luckily I have a nurse practioner outside this program who actually knows what she’s talking about.

Even in the book Surviving Schizophrenia, the author states that psychiatry draws the most oddballs.

I can believe that

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Yeah but it’s the truth. I used to go to the VA. They kept very detailed records but they don’t have Lunesta so I go and use my insurance or I would have to have two shrinks. I used to use both but now that I am in school I don’t have the free time to have three doctors. I have a GP I see every six months too.

A few years ago, when I first moved to my current city, I got a psychiatrist who I hated. She basically wanted to strip me of my meds one-by-one to see what would happen, as she did not fully believe the findings of my past psychiatrists. I only saw her a few times before I requested a different dr. That’s how I ended up with my current dr. There were times when I hated her, too, when I thought she was shitty, but I’m fine with her now.

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That is really fckd up

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I had a pdoc who was filling in for my regular pdoc tell me my delusions were “childish”.

I’ve had a bad Psychiatrist or two but I think you are at a disadvantage being that you seem to be very high functioning. I think what people are able to do to compensate often confuses the issues for doctors. Momentarily, I was normal - had no mental health dx whatsoever after living with schizoaffective or schizophrenia for I don’t know how many years. Truthfully, I am quite schizophrenic but I don’t always come across that way.

I really like my current psychiatrist but I’ve had my share of bad psychiatrists in the past.
One was actually criminal in his behavior.
He placed me on a powerful Antidepressant that kept me Manic and Psychotic for years.

I’ve only had one psychiatrist. I used to think he was terrible and my enemy. He put me on a community treatment order for forced medication and put me in the hospital against my will 4 times. One time I hadn’t eaten for 2 or 3 weeks and was wasting away. The other times I wouldn’t go to work or was acting aggressive. I refused to get a lawyer the whole time because I had some sort of paranoia that if I got a lawyer and got off the meds or away from the pdoc I would be worse off as well as possibly die. I think that paranoia may have been justified. Now, that I’ve finally realized what schizophrenia is and that I have SZ I am actually starting to like him a little.

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I had one pdoc that treated me like it was him vs. me with me (obviously) being on the losing end. He spoke down to me and was confrontational. He acted like he was annoyed with my delusions. My new pdoc is a Nurse Practitioner and she is much better. She has been patronizing a couple times but, overall, she is better than my old one.

I had a psychiatrist once who seemed cold, aloof, and hostile. I was a little shocked at his demeanor. I realize that his job is to give people therapy and not to baby them, but there are times when I can view his behavior in a very dim light.

Oh, oh, pick me, pick me! Hand waving furiously.

One pdoc called the police to come to my house because I didn’t pick up my Rx right after she wrote them. And why not the police asked each time…
Um, because the pharmacy was CLOSED by the time I was out of her office.

Another told me that He was going to cure me of all my ills within 6 months, so when I failed to improve, he accused me of intentionally trying to make him look back.
Told him he needed no such help in that department.

Oh the list can go on, but I’m not anti-psychiatry, just anti-stupid.

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I see my psychiatrist for 5 minutes about every 6 months. He basically just confirms im still alive.

A sweet job if you can get it.

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