I 've had some absolutely awful ones. Even the ok ones never got to know me as a person and made decisions/formed opinions based on limited info.
I now see a nurse practitioner.She’s friendly enough, but I don’t think she really takes on board what I tell her.
The problem with a lot of them is a tendency to rush to judgement without asking,listening and learning.
I have good and bad ones over the years, not much you can do about it as you rarely get to choose one. I once said either give me a new one or I’m out, they said my argument made sense and moved me to a new one.
Yes…she seemed like a great prof at first and I was really impressed by her…then everything changed when I told her my therapist had not been seeing me (note that I WANTED to see my therapist, but SHE kept cancelling on ME) and she suddenly got very cold and said she wouldn’t treat me if I wasn’t having my side effects monitored and randomly said I lived too far away (which didn’t bother her before), then she ripped up my prescription in front of me which was all I was hoping on at the time and actually kicked me out with a number to some place that didn’t take my insurance. Just cruel.
My first PDOC at social security told me I was inventing all, and prescribe me meds withouth explain anything of them, and she listened to me with her arms crossed.
Well he wasn’t bad, but he left the state for a while, and before I had to start worrying about finding a new one he came back…so I was seeing him again, and then one day I went in for my meeting and my dad and I are sitting in the waiting room waiting along with another couple…eventually the other couple gets up and asks the other doctor he shared the space with if he was even there and the doctor told us that our doctor closed his business and was no longer there.
No note, no letter, no call just up and closed shop. That’s how I got to this new doctor, she was on the plan I had when I was working, and she’s been my doctor ever since. I think she’s pretty good, except if I tell her something wrong her idea for treatment is increasing medication in take. I already feel I take too much so I often don’t tell her things. I have good days and bad, I just figure that’s part of being schizoaffective. But I do like her, she was very willing to work with me when I lost my insurance and would help me by giving me samples as much as I needed.
I’m also thankful because I watch the problems my parents have getting their doctors (specifically mom, she’s not schizo but has diabities and takes insulin, and because of her chrones she’s on other medications as well) and her doctor takes forever to call the pharmacy back to fill refills. My doctor will often call the pharmacy back the same day they call her and I can have my meds right away.
I don’t understand why so many psychiatrists are arrogant jerks. Seems like the profession really draws in that demographic. I hate how it’s like they expect you to be clueless and then seem annoyed when you are informed about a particular topic or have researched stuff on your own. I also can’t believe the brevity of the conversations I have with these people, it’s usually in and out the door in a few minutes. They should ask more questions and listen more.
I did have a really nice one once, she was a younger woman. I wish she was still my psychiatrist but she’s not accepting patients now.