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I’m really bored what are you up to?
I woke up really late today, was watching some TV and eating a steak and cheese that I made myself.
What time is it where you are?
It’s 4:46pm here…
how was the meal? what kind of steak?
it’s 2:26 pm here. are you in the usa?
Why yes I am! What about you?
I am in romania. It’s AM time here, my bad
It’s 3:50 pm here in Alaska. The weather warmed to +20 F so I took my dog to the dog park so she can finally run after being stuck at home all winter. We had a good time.
Ohhh, cool cool
It’s all good!
What are you up to this early?
What’s the lowest temperature you ever seen there?
It’s 6:52 pm here. Just ate meatloaf, baked potato and a vegetable whose name is escaping me atm.
The lowest temp I’ve actually experienced was -44 F. I tend to stay home if it’s colder than -30 cuz that’s so hard on the car.
I couldn’t sleep probably coffee didn’t help hehe
Is time for dinner soon in usa, what will you cook? if you are doing the cooking
Seem tasty ! Do you count calories?
Probably not lol
I actually already ate😅 had a late lunch, early dinner. Baked chicken breast, vodka sauce pasta with ricotta and Parmesan asparagus
Asparagus was the name of the vegetable.
No, I don’t count calories. When I cut back on food, I just cut back in general, don’t specifically count.
that’s some arctic weather. Closest to that temperature around here is in the carphatians mountains close to my grandparents.
I started counting again a couple days ago. so far so good
Good luck @anon28864342 . I’m too lazy to count calories myself.
I wanted to try to cook with vodka one time… My sister and neighbour are always experimenting with food
i just eat it hehe