Anybody tried Clozapine?

Clozapine was the 2nd or maybe 3rd antipsychotic i’ve tried. Thinking back, I really can’t tell if it helped with hallucinations or not because the side effects and complications were soo bad. I’m on Saphris now, and its helping some with the visual stuff, but not with auditory hallucinations. I just told the pdoc and T last week about all my symptoms, as I had not told them everything. Now they are saying schizoaffective, so maybe they’ll put me on something else in addition to Saphris to help with this depression.

I’ve tried risperdal, zyprexa, abilify, invegal, seroquel, geodon, haldol, maybe more that I can’t remember, none of them did anything except clozapine and some had absolutely horrible side effects.

Hi dmdar. Did it get rid of your voices?

It didn’t do anything for my voices but it did alot for my mental state in general and I’m able to block them out now.

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