I just saw his life story on tv. He had a hard life. His life was also interesting if you are into psychology.
I know something about Hemingway. He got depressed in his later life and suicided.
He won the Nobel prize for his writing “The old Man and The Sea”
@Jake Did you watch the Hemingway documentary series being broadcast on public television this week?
Hemingway shot himself in the stomach with a 12 gauge shotgun…horrible painful death…never fogot it…read “old man and the sea” about a year ago…great book…
Yes, I saw it tonight.
I just know he was an ambulance driver in the Spanish civil war I believe. Also he was a big fan of bull fighting and wrote a book about it called “Death in the Afternoon”.
When I lived in my auto in Key West I often visited Hemingway’s house. He had those special six toed cats and these cats are still living in his house. One thing what I do not understand is why successful people commit suicide. In Key West there is also Hemingway’s favorite bar. I remember reading ‘The old Man and the Sea’.
They’re called polydactyl cats. Some people call them Hemingway cats.
I’ve read all of his short stories but I’ve been unable to finish any of his novels. A Movable Feast is also great. His “posthumous” books, however, are in all likelihood forgeries.
I’m pretty sure it was World War I. I think he did fight in the Spanish Civil War, though. I read a lot of Hemingway when I was in the army, a long time ago. The army is a good setting in which to read Hemingway.
He didn’t fight in Spanish civil War but was very active supporting the republican cause and writing war chronicles.
I believe Hemingway’s father committed suicide, as well as two siblings and a granddaughter.
Do genes play such an important role in developing depression?
Successful people still get depressed, hopeless, and yes, some develop mental illnesses or drug or alcohol problems. And sometimes commit suicide for those reasons.
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