@PatrickT I hope you are o k bro…worried about you a lot. please write me.
I just logged on.
Feeling okay…still have this feeling that my family is in some sort of danger, though. Not sure if it’s my affliction talking or if it is truly real.
Thanks for caring, Juke.
It’s just your affliction, man. Is your wife home now?
Yes. The whole family is finally back together, and I’m back to work.
dude I hope you are taking your meds…
I’m on monthly injections of Abilify.
I’m glad. Are you feeling more secure now hat everyone is there?
You can beat this temporary crazy spell! Just keep challenging your delusions!
I get better each passing day. Today was still a bit rough, but tomorrow will be better I’m sure.
You’ve all been great to me over the past few weeks…it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
This stupid pie-in-the-sky delusion always destroys my family life, and makes a fool out of me. I try to fight it, but it always has a stranglehold on me.
Thank Gawd I’m a nobody. I’ve got my simple life back.
Could you delete/ remove or lock my past threads as they arise? I was psychotic when I wrote them, and it’s embarrassing to keep seeing them come up.
I think I got them all. Flag any others that come up and I’ll close them, too.
Xoxoxox @PatrickT
Thanks Sampy,
Right back at ya!
I was just thinking of one of my favourite quotes…
“When everyone is about to run you out of town, stand in front and make it look like a Parade.”
Hey mate…glad your on the improve and things are starting to get a bit more normal.
Welcome back @PatrickT ! Keep getting better!
Yay @PatrickT! You’re doing awesome!
Patrick, you are a strong guy because you fight (the schizophrenia) for your family life.
Glad your getting more lucid @PatrickT
Hang in there!
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